About ログライブ壁紙
・SDカードへのログの保存(最新の256行分のログをSDカードのLogCatWallPaper/Logfilesフォルダ配下に保存します。) It is a live wallpaper that displays the log of the terminal.
I have the following functions.
To view the log of type 3 (1) main, events, the radio.
You can change (2) log filter level.
Flap setting (3) font type, font size, color theme, display format, scroll, the string is possible.
Can be set from the following actions when you shake (4) Double-tap the terminal.
Stopping and restarting the update log, temporary. (Update of the logs will be resumed ON / OFF of the screen HOME.)
(Stored under LogCatWallPaper / Logfiles folder of SD card latest 256 lines of logging.) To save the log to the SD card