About Linary Watch Face
Linary Watch Face uses a unique Linary Numeral System, base four positional system for expressing numbers using the following symbols called Linits: _, /, , ‾, with corresponding values of 0, 1, 2 and 3.
Linary numeral system can be easily encoded (or decoded) by grouping a number expressed in binary digits by two and drawing a line between the two binary digits in a group in such a way that if a binary number has a value of 0 the end of a line (linit) representing this binary digit is in a lower position, if a binary number has a value of one, the end of the line (linit) representing this digit is in a higher position. Each linit in the linary system represents a group of two binary digits and the position of each end of the linit represents the value of each binary digit within the group.
Because a group of two binary numbers can have four values (00,01,10,11) a linit representing the two binary digits can have the following four shapes:_, /, , ‾. For detailed description of Linary Numeral System please see http://www.linary.xyz/linary.html.
While learning Linary system, helping hands can be enabled that will show "helping" hour, minute and second hands. The watch face can be customized; colors of linits, watch name, helping hands and battery life display, with the companion app. A sample linary watch face with helping hands can be viewed at http://www.linary.xyz.
Enjoy it!
Linary Numeral System is a patent pending system.