Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP

Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP Free Theme

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Next Generation Wallpapers


About Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP

This is the site for "Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP”. Do you have any requests or wishes like an idea of a live wallpaper that matches your taste? Please write it in the comment and I will see if I can fulfil your wish.

CONTENT of the “Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP"

- A terrific rotating tunnel which looks very realistic
- A glamourous laser/electric/lightning in the middle
- A black hole

FEATURES of the “Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP"

- Set the color of the wave (of the laser/electric/lightning)
- Set the height of the wave (of the laser/electric/lightning)
- Turn the sliding function on/off (Explanation: Consider your smartphone as a camera that is flying to the side if you swipe more than half the screen.)
- Set the sliding speed
- Turn the rotation of the realistic gray tunnel on and off
- Set the speed of the rotation
- Social functions: “share” and “rate”


The functionality of the free version is not limited, but there is litte "free version" text in it. That means I need you to support me. Screenshots are all of the full version. The free version is completely free. That means it is not only free of charge but also does not contain any advertising. Next Generation Wallpapers never uses advertisements.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded N/A times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.nextgen.AbstractRotateGrayLiveWP, download Abstract Rotate Gray Live WP.apk

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