About Robot Man Screen Lock
Robot Man Screen Lock
The robot can execute commands directly to the operator to work on predefined program or follow a set of general guidelines, using artificial intelligence technology. These tasks can facilitate or even replace human labor in manufacturing, construction, working with heavy loads, hazardous materials, as well as other difficult or dangerous for human conditions. Eventually the robot became our best friend. Load application robot and get cool pictures to tap his phone and dilysya application with friends.
In most cases of modern industrial use - a "hand" manipulators, fixed-based and designed to perform repetitive type of assembly, movement. To work also includes mobile devices working in hazardous to human environments and managed remotely, such as work, working on large water depths of space, devices, military (reconnaissance, mine clearance, delivery of ammunition, etc.) and so on., And robotic toys.
A special kind of robots - nanorobots. This work comparable to the size of a molecule (less than 10 nm) with the tool motion, processing and transmission of information, programs. Nanorobots that are able to create their copies, ie reproduction, called the replicator. Nanorobototehnika is on science and technology under development with the prospect of application in medicine, genetic engineering and other industries.