About Mushroom Toxic Screen Lock
Amanita mushroom Screen Lock
The peculiarity of this species is paradoxical - a beautiful outside, it must be poisonous. Do you like to go for mushrooms in the woods, observe their growth or to admire their beauty or taste them add an app to your phone and enjoy cool pictures. After downloading an app agaric mushroom, tell interesting information about these mushrooms acquaintances or friends.
Amanita muscaria - poisonous mushroom from the family muhomorovyh - Amanitaceae.
Caps 5-12 (20) cm in diameter, hemispherical, later convex-tight ploskorozprosterta, with a thin corded edge, brick-red of various shades, yellow-red, red-orange, with numerous white flakes that sometimes disappear after rain. Thick plates, thin, white. Spore mass white. Spores 9-11 x 6-8 microns, shyrokoovalni. Leg 5-13 × 1-3 cm, cylindrical, with a large tubers, smooth, later with the cavity, naked with a wide white (yellow on the edge) ring with rooted in a concentric, borodavchastoluskatyh bands vagina. White flesh in peripheral tissue layer yellow cap with little odor. Poisonous mushrooms.
Where used this mushroom if it inedible? Amanita - an excellent remedy for flies. For this mushroom cap is placed in a deep dish, pour water, brought to a boil and sprinkle a small amount of sugar. As a result of the manipulation of the cap allocated juice, which is sugar syrup. It's kind of a treat for flies - tasty, but deadly. Use in homeopathy atherosclerosis, neuralgia and reducing the overall tone. Amanita muscaria contains poison, muscarinic, mikoatropin.