About The Launcher Black Thunder
The Launcher and cool black thunder rolled hd theme is CM desktop users special topics, including dozens of series one fine icon and hd antependium, CM desktop theme, make your phone look brand-new!
CM painted painted painted desktop theme highlights:
- one of the most beautiful theme, beautify your mobile phone! Here are the most popular topics and antependium, no matter what style do you like, system, abstract, pet, science and technology, cartoon, love, nature, sports, cars, holidays, landscape and space, etc., in CM desktop, everything!
The designer - DIY theme, meet your dreams! No matter what you have a powerful and unconstrained style of design idea can be implemented in DIY theme, design your own exclusive theme, you are its own exclusive designer!
- subject to share, shine to your work!!! With their own photos or beautiful landscapes match our delicate icon, you can be made into a variety of themes, theme finished you can share with friends or submitted to us, let more people see and use your creative work.
Painted painted painted painted painted painted theme installation:
1. Download and install the theme;
2. Install CM desktop;
3. Start the CM desktop, enter "theme - my", open the topic, and apply it to your phone.