GO Locker Zombie for Android
OK, so the WORST parts of Hell AREN'T set aside for Scammers & Deceivers who pull the Old "Switch-a-Roo-With-A-Twist" like this Douchebag's doing, but adding pics & FULL SCREENS of App Content from a DIFFERENT app to make the ORIGINAL app look better, should earn such a seller a permanent DICK BRANDED ON THEIR FOREHEAD!! Arsehat embellisher, try being HONEST from now on!!
Closes before it opens
STill waiting for jellybean fix... have go keyboard as you can see the first 2 letters of words are capitals please fix
OK, so the WORST parts of Hell AREN'T set aside for Scammers & Deceivers who pull the Old "Switch-a-Roo-With-A-Twist" like this Douchebag's doing, but adding pics & FULL SCREENS of App Content from a DIFFERENT app to make the ORIGINAL app look better, should earn such a seller a permanent DICK BRANDED ON THEIR FOREHEAD!! Arsehat embellisher, try being HONEST from now on!!
Oh.. no wonder it doesn't work... I have jellybean!
I have jelly bean on my HTC One and it works fine. I only wish I could fathom out how to select the phone or message icons.
i like this app verry much
It does not work, please fix, I WANT THIS THEME!!!! THANK YOU!!
Yea now make the zombie nites for launcher ex "ffree" an youll get full stars on both:0)
Oh.. no wonder it doesn't work... I have jellybean!
But this could be cleaner, I still love it though.
K look guys u must doqnload the night
It wont let me apply the theme. :C
I have jelly bean on my HTC One and it works fine. I only wish I could fathom out how to select the phone or message icons.
It won't open
i like this app verry much
Probably will use it around halloween... to all "doesn't open" ppl... it is a THEME you do not hit open...it is not an app it is a theme for GO LOCKER... u need GO Launcher and Go Locker for it to be used... you set the theme in Go Locker's settings... if u dl it and its not immediatly where it should be in go lockers themes list reboot and go locker will rescan installed themes and it will be there (does anybody read the description b4 they dl things?)
Liked the looks of it, but couldn't try it out. When I open it, it force closes every time. Sucks!
Want it looks good but just forces closed
Doesnt work forces closed
Just doesnt work like i hopped it would :(
Love all CYBERPIXEL stuff! ^__^
This is so cool! Great idea guys!
it rubish it dont open
Fix it Doesnt work forces closed
Doesn't work Want it looks good but just forces closed
Ok K look guys u must doqnload the night
Doesn't work!!! Liked the looks of it, but couldn't try it out. When I open it, it force closes every time. Sucks!
DROID2 Love all CYBERPIXEL stuff! ^__^
RedDevilGirl420 It does not work, please fix, I WANT THIS THEME!!!! THANK YOU!!
Unique go locker! This is so cool! Great idea guys!
Garnet Yea now make the zombie nites for launcher ex "ffree" an youll get full stars on both:0)
): It wont let me apply the theme. :C
I love zombies But this could be cleaner, I still love it though.
by O####:
Closes before it opens