Parrot Launcher BETA for Android
Need More update
£5 unlock for beta. Suck my ###
It looks good so far, but this is only how it looks. Every menu option is unusable because it isn't implemented yet. It's a good-looking app but it needs a lot of work. I'll keep my eye on it and adjust this feedback as necessary. Keep going!
I see a great potential in this. But right now there's not much to it. Like really not much, 3/4 of the settings are "Not available yet" but I think they'll come when the app launch is official. But right now, there's just a lot of potential that's unused/not available yet.
hit next button but nothing happening .
I could grant it permissions, but for some reason I can't. The screen overlay is greyed out and can't be granted. Xperia Z5C.
Looking good so far...please update frequently!!!I see a very promising future for this launcher with frequent updates...add more cards,like Facebook,Twitter,Instagram
Designs gud. But too laggy and looks cheesy..
It is asking permission. I am ready to give. On pressing next, nothing is happening.
Its gonna force u into giving yr personal info.
Won't go past permissions.
Simple and fast!
Seriously what is this supposed to do? Take my persinal info amd choose theme and take back to the filling form page again and again and agian and again and again and again
Its gonna force u into giving yr personal info.
Comes back to the same user input screen after entering general info
Centered around Facebook to get started:(
by K####:
Didn't Opened Really liked to try it out..but sadly it got stuck in App permission window...i tried to give app permission but the app permission button isn't responding...i am using Samsung Galaxy E7 ( android 5.1.1) Plz fix this asap