About Beer Drink Alcohol Lock
Beer Drink Screen Lock
Beer has a long history and popularity in any corner of the earth, it is enjoyed by everyone. Beer is characterized by a specific bitterness and aroma that gives it a honey. The history of its creation began about 80 centuries ago. More information in the Beer Alcohol supplement. Download the app and get mega cool pictures on your smartphone screen! Share information about an app with a friend!
In Old German, beer was called "peor", "bior", "pier". It is believed that this name comes from the Middle Russian "biber" - a drink. The modern German name for beer is "bier", English is "beer", and the French is "bière".
Beer - alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation. The third beverage in the world is popular with water and tea. Beer is characterized by a specific bitterness and aroma that gives it a hops, as well as the ability to foam. The process of producing beer is called brewing or brewing.
In the Slavic peoples the name of the beer is the same. And earlier this word meant not only beer and drink at all, but a drink that is often drunk. The word "beer" and "drink" are in tune with the Slavic languages and are written as follows: "beer" - in Ukrainian, "beer" - in Russian, "piwo" - in polish, "pivo" - in czech, "beer" - serbian-croatian, "Pivo" - Belarusian, "pivo" - in Slovak. Only in Bulgarian is "Bira", but brewer, brewing and brewing also in Bulgarian, respectively - brewer, breweries and brewers. In the ancient chronicles of the Gauls, British, and Scandinavians, mention is also made of beer.