About AKB48きせかえ(公式)入山杏奈-cm
【AKB48きせかえ for GooglePlay】
AKB48あんにんこと入山杏奈のきせかえテーマアプリ-Chip mint-が登場!!
このアプリは【AKB48きせかえ for GooglePlay】が提供するホームアプリ「AKB48 HOME」専用のテーマアプリです。
▼ メンバーのテーマアプリがいっぱい!
【AKB48きせかえ for GooglePlay】きせかえ公式サイト
→ http://home.akb48-k.jp
▼ ランキングをまとめてチェック♪
→ http://home.akb48-k.jp/ranking/
▼ あなたの推しメンを検索♪(メンバー名・50音・チーム名)
→ http://home.akb48-k.jp/#search
【How to AKB48きせかえ】
このアプリは「AKB48 HOME」専用のテーマアプリです。
ご利用になる場合は「AKB48 HOME」(無料アプリ)をインストールしてください。
「AKB48 HOME」、テーマアプリをインストール後、
ホームアプリを「AKB48 HOME」に設定してください。
[アプリ一覧画面]→[AKB48 HOMEのアイコンをタップ]
「AKB48 HOME」をホームアプリに設定完了後、
『ホームアプリが「AKB48 HOME」に設定できない』
インストールできていない場合は再ダウンロードをお願いいたします。 [AKB48 Kisekae for GooglePlay]
AKB48 An'nin thing Anna Iriyama of Kisekae theme app -Chip mint- appeared !!
This app [AKB48 Kisekae for GooglePlay] provides home app "AKB48 HOME" is a dedicated theme app.
♪, such as wallpaper and icons to AKB48 specifications in bulk
Find the one that's perfect for AKB48 Kisekae from hundreds of designs!
▼ members of the theme app is full!
[AKB48 Kisekae for GooglePlay] Kisekae official site
→ http://home.akb48-k.jp
▼ summarizes the rankings check ♪
→ http://home.akb48-k.jp/ranking/
▼ Search ♪ your dumb face (member name, 50 sound, team name)
→ http://home.akb48-k.jp/#search
*: - ☆ -: *: - ☆ -: *: - ☆ -: *: - ☆ -: *: - ☆ -: *
[How to AKB48 Kisekae]
◇ Kisekae setting position
Home screen background
Menu icon
Drawer screen (app list screen) Background
·Garbage can
etc ...
◇ Kisekae setting method
This app is "AKB48 HOME" dedicated theme app.
Please install "AKB48 HOME" the (free app) If you wish to use it is.
"AKB48 HOME", after installing the theme app,
Please set the home app "AKB48 HOME".
[App list screen] → [AKB48 Tap HOME Icon
After completion of setting the "AKB48 HOME" to the home app,
You can change the theme by the following method.
At the home screen, [Menu] → [theme change] → [Select a theme]
◆ FAQ ◆
"Home app can not be set to" AKB48 HOME ""
You need to release If you have always set the home app to another app.
Please select the "Settings" → "Applications" → "clear the configuration" of the "Application Management" → start of the Home app customers has been set selection → by default.
"Application can not be installed."
Please put a check in the "Settings" → "Applications" → "Unknown sources" in the terminal.
If you purchased the app has been installed correctly,
"Settings" → "Applications" → "Application Management" → it will be displayed in the "Download".
Please check here once.
Thank you to re-download if you are not able to install.
Download and install
AKB48きせかえ(公式)入山杏奈-cm version 1 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
com.camobile.kisekaelab.theme_akb48home_481906, download AKB48きせかえ(公式)入山杏奈-cm.apk