About AJVPS 1.0
Vanator inseamna sa fii o persoana îndrăgostita de natura si fauna ei, sa fii un ocrotitor al vietatilor salbatice. Sa fii un vanator profesionist inseamna sa fii o persoana fizica licentiata, membra a unei asociatii vanatoresti gestionara de fauna cinegetica, sa fii un practicant al vanatorii in conditiile prevazute de lege.
Pescar inseamna sa fii o persoana care iubeste si respecta natura, se refugiaza temporar pe malul unei ape unde isi face ordine in ganduri. Sa fii pescar sportiv inseamna sa fii membru al unei asociatii gestionare de fauna piscicola, sa fii un practicant al pescuitului recreativ-sportiv in conditiile prevazute de lege.
Calendarul solunar va fi publicat numai aici ! Hunter means to be a person in love with nature and its fauna, to be a protector of wildlife. Being a professional hunter means to be an individual licensed member of a hunting association wildlife management hunting, being a practitioner of hunters as provided by law.
Fisherman means to be a person who loves and respects nature, temporary refuge on the banks of a river where they make in order thoughts. Being a fisherman means to be a member of an association of fish fauna management, being a practitioner of sports and recreational fisheries as provided by law.
Solunar calendar will be published only here!
by M####:
Este ceva de negasit in alta parte! Felicitari!