Sheep Wallpaper

Sheep Wallpaper Free Theme

Rated 4.00/5 (18) —  Free Android application by picture polly

About Sheep Wallpaper

Sheep (Ovis aries) are quadrupedal ruminant mammals typically kept as livestock. Like all ruminants sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. Although the name sheep applies to many species in the genus Ovis in everyday usage it almost always refers to Ovis aries. Numbering a little over one billion, domestic sheep are also the most numerous species of sheep. An adult female sheep is referred to as a ewe an intact male as a ram or occasionally a tup a castrated male as a wether, and a younger sheep as a lamb.

Sheep are most likely descended from the wild mouflon of Europe and Asia. One of the earliest animals to be domesticated for agricultural purposes sheep are raised for fleece meat and milk. A sheep's wool is the most widely used animal fiber, and is usually harvested by shearing. Ovine meat is called lamb when from younger animals and mutton when from older ones. Sheep continue to be important for wool and meat today, and are also occasionally raised for pelts as dairy animals or as model organisms for science.

Sheep husbandry is practised throughout the majority of the inhabited world and has been fundamental to many civilizations. In the modern era, Australia, New Zealand, the southern and central South American nations and the British Isles are most closely associated with sheep production.

Sheepraising has a large lexicon of unique terms which vary considerably by region and dialect. Use of the word sheep began in Middle English as a derivation of the Old English word sc?ap; it is both the singular and plural name for the animal. A group of sheep is called a floc, herd or mob. Many other specific terms for the various life stages of sheep exist, generally related to lambing, shearing and age.

sheep wallpapers for your phone or tablet!
- This feature can tap on the screen and make the image immediately.
- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switching screen.
- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!
Instructions to install:
Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.
Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.
- You can choose from several different styles.
- HD Graphics and Open GL
- Battery usage optimization.
- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.
- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tablet devices.
Please contact us if you have any problems with our application.
* Android is a trademark of Google.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Sheep Wallpaper version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.app3dwallpaperhd.sheepwallpaperimage, download Sheep Wallpaper.apk

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