Dancing Girl Live Wallpaper for Android
This is not live at all it is sheer trash
Just a gif
I THOUGHT it was good, I THOUGHT.
Cool ????
Its awesome
Just a cheap gif
There just snapshots, no actual motion.
Not worth checking out.
This is not live at all it is sheer trash
Really bad just no
Not animated.. more like a slide show
Seriously bad
Is just a gif moving
خوبه خوشم امد
It sucks
nice wallpapers
Its to fast when you statue slow..
Bad animation. Makers of this has no talent
Lame poses are so lame
Live wallpaper
Dream come Trudy
Just gif pics
I THOUGHT it was good, I THOUGHT.
Not bad
Go visit GayBiLGBTDatingChat1 DOT INFO for a better one. Please don't waste your time with this garbage. Sed sed feugiat ex. Integer tincidunt at urna sed dignissim. Phasellus interdum, neque et vulputate facilisis, sapien mi mollis justo, sed consequat orci mauris eu diam. Quisque posuere urna vel sapien sollicitudin, quis sollicitudin urna luctus. Morbi faucibus porta neque, non faucibus quam finibus nec. Fusce vitae lobortis velit. Suspendisse fermentum quam quis enim sodales, ut imperdiet eros placerat. Aenean tristique leo eget nunc dapibus sollicitudin. Cras metus nisi, imperdiet id dolor a, congue dignissim erat. Phasellus non scelerisque tellus. Sed vel eros vestibulum, interdum nisi egestas, bibendum eros. In dapibus mauris massa, a bibendum turpis cursus quis. Curabitur eu magna rhoncus, congue ligula ac, facilisis orci. Sed auctor urna et neque molestie hendrerit. Nunc velit odio, tempus ut leo vitae, porttitor varius risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Cur.
Looks like a bad gif file, not worth the data used
This is not live at all it is sheer trash
It's so hot like me
In my opinion there is no way this could be called a Live Wallpaper! It's no more than a quick slideshow of the same 4 pics, and it doesn't even transition from one to the next very smoothly. The Dev's should check out the Sexy Weed Girl app to see what a truly Live Wallpaper looks like! I'm Uninstalling this crap one!!
by L####: