Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP

Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP Free Theme

Rated 1.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Mother Nature Live Wallpaper


About Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP

Now, with two different background you can enjoy this free live wallpaper with Pro features. You can easily change through LWP Settings or LWP icon in Apps drawer.

This live wallpaper can be static wallpaper, disable the bubbles with disable items (only background) feature

• Compatible as a Live Wallpaper for Android tablets and phones
• Two different of background
• Adding LWP icon into app drawer and make easier you go to LWP settings
• Settings: Items number, frame rate, speed, direction, disable items (only background) and no scroll mode.
• Can be moved to SD Card.

To use this live wallpaper:
1. On your Home screen, long press an empty space.
2. From the pop-up menu that is displayed, select “Wallpapers”.
3. In the next screen, select “Live Wallpapers”.
4. Scroll through the list of live wallpapers that are available for your device. You can select each one to see a preview of how it will look like on your phone.
5. Tap Settings to set LWP's features
6. If you have made your selection, just tap on “Set as Wallpaper” to activate the live wallpaper.

Warning! Adding the number of items on screen may adversely affect frame rate issue and battery usage depending on the device. Please use your best discretion for the number of items you think you can handle.

We have implemented an ads in settings to develop more free live wallpapers.

If you enjoy this wallpaper, please rate and comment to improve our work. We need more feedback and suggestion from you. please contact us at email


How to Download / Install

Download and install Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP version 5.0.1 on your Android device!
APK Size: 661 KB, downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.MotherNatureLWP.bonfirescenerylwp, download Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP.apk

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Theme History & Updates

What's Changed
• Adding "Free Live Wallpaper" tab in LWP's setting section, it's shortcut for you to get more free live wallpapers from us.
• This LWP can be live or static wallpaper, you can disable the items with disable items (only background) feature, so this live wallpaper can be static wallpaper
• Have fun! :)
More downloads  Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP reached 100 - 500 downloads
Version update Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP was updated to version 5.0.1
Version update Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP was updated to version 1.1
More downloads  Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP reached 50 - 100 downloads

What are users saying about Hot Bonfire Scenery LWP

by M####:

Crashed when trying to set as wallpaper...

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1 users