وصلة - لعبة كلمات متقاطعة for Android
It's a nice and challenging game that force us to recall all the Arabic words that we don't usually use in our daily lives.
Don't download this game it's very very bad
I love it so much because it add more informations to our brain & our memory it is useful for us I like it.❤
The most useful cultural training app ever ! So many new info on different domains n it's really perfect to get a general culture. Loved it !
Just amazing game it has alot of new informations i play it in my free time just...love it
I have never played like this game before it lets your brain work a little bit and let you know more informations in your life its so fantastic if they give us to rate 100 stars I will rate
I like this game. Refresh our information but the hints are so few
شكرا لكم و لكن يرجى اضافة ميزة تدوير الشاشة للعبة ... انا جهازي شاشته مكسورة و بعض الجداول لا أستطيع الوصول لها منوالاعلى
Waw such a wondeerful game i love it so mich im gonnadie waw i really like it and im not just saying that because i want to tyoe really fas t like in scream queens but actually i donweql
I liked it so much because it helps us te refresh the memory and learn new things. Excellent job
I wasn't care for games before till I caught it , it's really a beautiful and amused
never rated an app before but this one is very good
Some irrelevant question about Arabic series and Islamic ones but still a good app of a kind
It good game but you must improve like when I unlock a level or group give some hints and fix your question not all people love to know famous people !!
Advertisement cover the letters how can I play like this?!! I'm so frustrated, couse this is ANNOYING! The olde versions before update were much BETTER! What happened?! In updating you should make creative changes NOT bad ones!
I really like this game!! It inreased my knowledge, there are a lot of new informations that aren't famous enough to be known!! It is a great game.
It's wonderful, I liked it a lot. But please, remove the Ads cause they're very very very annoying and disturbing.
It's OK ???? but it has wrong information like other apps.. There is a stupid question ❓ and there is a good one.. Still 3 stars ✨ is more then enough for it.
The game is so nice but the update is slow. Completed all levels now, shall we wait the update or uninstall it if no update is coming?
الخطأ في إجابة اللغز للآية الكريمة (يا أيها الذين آمنوا ادخلوا في السلم كافة ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان إنه لكم عدو مبين ) فالجواب يجب ان يكون الشيطان وليس شيطان لذا أرجو التعديل أو حذف اللغز
I adore this game, it's so educational and so awesome, and like I said I'm addicted to it, but the help tools are so few, I can't do with only 10 hints, and some tools you made to get help like downloading another app or share this one are not working at all! I get stuck on many levels and I don't want to go cheating by finding the answers on the Internet but you leave me no other choice.. I'm feeling down at it
Gives information to us.It is useful such as if someone asked you something and you don't know it, install it and solve.If you're bored you can play it. It is so nice game
lot of ads... and some times wrong spelling for some words! plus... you have to give 5 stars to get help.
The language its puplar. And some inforamtion its not very knowledge in the other arabic country. Its good for the midle east and arabic golf, but for moroccan and algerian.. , it's not
I have never played like this game before it lets your brain work a little bit and let you know more informations in your life its so fantastic if they give us to rate 100 stars I will rate
I have been in business for a new job and a lot more to do. the other hand is the most part, but I have a great time at all of the book of Mormon you. . I have a great way for the best. . . . .ý the same. I will have to do. the other hand. I will be in touch with the same time. I am not going on with your family and friends.
All the question is about islam.. nit all peopel know your book
It is very silly that some people are still thinking this way this game is a islamic purely game u can't solve anything if u r not a Muslim.
It is not as any another game..i thought it will wast my time ...but it is like magic games..i started learning from it from the 1st stage..i gave it 5 stars
It's wonderful, I liked it a lot. But please, remove the Ads cause they're very very very annoying and disturbing.
A game that makes you exert mental effort on searching for the answers and trying to complete the puzzles and going on for new stages , It's really good that I have it on my phone .
I really like this game!! It inreased my knowledge, there are a lot of new informations that aren't famous enough to be known!! It is a great game.
The game is so full of new information . Sometimes i find hardship to understand the Arabic language. But i enjoy playing it . Great work
هذه اللعبة أكثر من رائعة استمتع بها و استفيد منها لانها تعلمني اشياء لم اكن اعرفها ... و اظن انها تستحق اكثر من 5 نجوم .....
اتمنى ان تضيفوا تعديل، عند اختيار حرف صحيح في الكلمات يتم تثبيته او اظهار علامة انه صحيح حتى يساعدنا في تسهيل ايجاد الحلول. وشكرآ لكل من ساهم في انجاز هذا العمل الرائع
I like to think and use my long-term memory. It is useful for the memory and in gaining a lot of new information.
اللعبة ممتازة ولكن هناك خطأ باللغز رقم 84 في الاية الكريمة "يا ايها اللذين امنوا ادخلوا في السلم كافة ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان" وليس شيطان. (يوجد ال التعريف في كلمة شيطان). اذا تم التعديل سوف اضع 5 نجوم
برنامج جيد يساعد على تجديد المعلومات يحتاج الى لمسات تطويرية بسيطة كتحديد عدد المساعدات المتبقية وغيرها .. شكرا لكم ..... تم حل جميع الاسئلة لذا ارجو تحديث اللعبة واضافة المزيد من المراحل
I only knew about it one week, and I thought of it as a silly game but then I found out it's cool and it's an addiction I've been playing it night, day, morning, afternoon, evening..
by T####:
في خطأ في سؤال اكمل الآية ( يا أيها الذين آمنوا ادخلوا في السلم كافة ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان إنه لكم عدو مبين) الحل الشيطان وليس شيطان ارجو التصحيح