تخمين اصوات الحيوانات للاطفال for Android
لاجل دالك ننصحكم بتجربت تطبيقنا "تخمين اصوات الحيوانات للاطفال" انتم و اطفالكم ستجدون المتعة و الاستفادة في نفس الوقت.
مع تطبيقنا تعلُم او تعِليم اصوات الحيوانات سيصبح سهل و ممتع.
لا تترددوا في تقييم التطبيق ب خمس ★★★★★ و مشاركته مع الاهل والاصدقاء، ولا تنسوا إبداء آرائكم و مقترحاتكم عبر الايميل اسفله، حظ موفق في مهمتكم "تربية و تعليم الاطفال" فهي مهمة في غاية النبل.
Guess the voices of animals for children also suggests the name is an application on the Android platform provides the fastest and easiest way to teach children the voices of animals and Dalk Banhm to use their thinking and intuition to know the name of the animal by listening to his voice only, and Bdalk able Hedda application of teaching the voices of animals for children through entertaining game and useful to them at the same time because the kids and come to grips Atalmo Aktar by playing by the scientific Alabhat in this field.For their Dalk advise you Btjrepett our application "Guess the voices of animals for children," You and your children will find fun and benefit at the same time.
With our application to learn or teach the votes will become easy and fun animals.
Do not hesitate to evaluate the application for five ★★★★★ and share it with friends and family, and do not forget to express your opinions and suggestions via email underneath, Good luck in your mission, "breeding and education of children" are very important in the nobility.
nice app
this app is really nice
Good app with nice design and awesome idea
by Y####:
تخمين اصوات الحيوانات للاطفال...Nice app to use