Tic Tac Toe Free for Android
The game is fun and addictive. But I must know, is Prof unbeatable?? I swear I've tried for hours total trying but I can't beat him once..
Really challenging.. If you're a sore loser don't play sandy. This avatar girl is a beast
I love it but could you add more backgrounds colors such as American Indians themes, Hawaiian backgrounds, under the sea themes etc thanks? Also more Avatars of males and females and me such as American Indians males and females etc thanks on your next updates thanks so much.
It's perfect for passing time while waiting for your food to come at a resturaunt or any other time that you have a short wait and need something to do to occupy your mind, and the kids love it too.
Is an old game but it is fun how many people play tic tac toe when they were young we all have once in a life but anyway it was a fun games so anybody that likes to play let's play
It is relaxing, enjoyable, challenging game. This is an old old classic game I played as kid. Thank you for having an app. I will teach my grandkid, as well as great-grandchildren to play.
Download it from play stor e but still it is not working..even not open..the message comes is " Unfortunately..tic tac toe is stopped" .
It's a real good app but sometimes it's hard... It's a good idea to create an app like that.. It reminds the user about his childhood shcool times ect...
This game has changed my life. Three weeks later...I haven't showered in day. This game is taking over my life.
I have just started and it already love it.. I win most plays.. and this game rules.. The creator of this game is a genius... :) and it does remind me of my childhood.. best game ever...
Simple and fun. A great game for the subway....will take your mind off being smashed in a tin can on wheels.
It's just takes 5 in a row to win, but it takes almost 5 minutes to play. Fun game.
My 9 year old and I both have fun with this game. Mind challenging.
Think I need to go higher now, great game if you need to clear mind of daily troubles.
Chip is doing soo bad and I just love the game XD Good Job At Making This Game! :)
The easiest bot was winning and went middle and won i did same as him and lost
Hey everyone come play tictac toe and see if you can beat me.
[Event "AI Factory's Chess"] [Site "Android Device"] [Date "2016.04.29"] [Round "1"] [White "You"] [Black "CPU P"] [PlyCount "55"] [Result "1-0"] 1. d3 Nc6 2. d4 e5 3. dxe5 Nxe5 4. Qd5 d6 5. f4 Ne7 6. fxe5 f5 7. Qf3 Nc6 8. Qe3 h5 9. e6 Ne7 10. g3 d5 11. h3 Ng8 12. Bg2 Bd7 13. Bxd5 Qh4 14. gxh4 Rd8 15. exd7+ Kxd7 16. Qb3 Nh6 17. Qe3 Ra8 18. Qe6+ Kd8 19. Rh2 Nf7 20. Rf2 f4 21. Qxf7 Be7 22. Rf3 c5 23. Re3 Bg5 24. Re5 Rb8 25. Rxg5 g6 26. Re5 Kc8 27. Be6+ Kd8 28. Rd5# 1-0
deleting, its boring. you can't win. I always draw with my opponent. its no fun.. if it's always a draw.
Tik tak toe is my favourite game, and it's awesome. I am loving this game from my childhood.
CHILDISH - more suited to a five year old!!
Very good way of keeping your mind active when you feel you need it
Fantastic superb making us alert n sharper the mind
Worked well on kit Kat, doesn't work on Marshmellow, Samsung Galaxy Tab S2.
Its ok but its impossible to beat the professor the hardest player on the game the best you can do is draw with him on any of the board sizes it ruins the game
Takes me back to the first game I leaned, nice . A joy to play with 6 yr old granddaughter.
Just loved it as its amazing and probably just helps in time pass. All people plz download this app as it reminds of every persons childhood in school.
This game reminds me of my childhood and the games we played that brought joy and comfort like puzzles, operation, leggos building and other fun toys. Those happier simpler times I will always remember.
Making my mind sharper. Wonderful. Loved it
One of the first games I learned as a child but this simple game still manages to stump me once every so often.
Loved its awesome and the graphics are amazing
It is sure it is like ya know.
It doesn't cheat but allows us to cheat
i give ten stars. i just love .
The best thing about this game is that I don't need internet for playing it
Really wide range of games. Good UI.
Game works well and is perfect for children.
It was a great day out with tic tac tao
Pass time with differ levels
by R####:
I am a master of the standard 3x3 Tic Tac Toe game. Glad to have other versions of this game to play that admittedly am not so good at, LOL! Game plays smoothly too!