Toddlers Funny Fireworks for Android
My child keeps touching the ads and no screen lock
Baby kept open ing ad and hitting g back/home device buttons. Lock the device buttons and it'd be great. Shame cause she loved the effects
My baby brother liked it
My toddler enjoys this game, and I'd love to let her play it more, but inevitably, she clicks an ad, and next thing I know, she's on a page for Western Union or some page where she could potentially make a purchase! Yikes! Could you please make an ad free version? I'd gladly pay a couple bucks so she could play the game without ads!
The game would be awesome if I didn't have to back out of ads every few seconds.
I understand the reasoning behind ads, but feel they shouldn't be so easily accessible on a toddler game. My baby can't play for more than a few seconds without opening an ad. I would give the game five stars,because she loves the game, but it is so aggravating having to close ads back out every few seconds.
The ad banner is along the bottom, right where a young child would drag their hands as they're playing. I'm not going to go through the ordeal of taking the tablet away from my baby so I can close down the browser the ad opened /every/ ten seconds. It's really too bad since this is the kind of app I was looking for, and it would be perfect if not for that badly-placed ad...
Very different from other fire works. My 13mouth old gets a laugh out of these little gizmos twirling around. Thank you so much for your time & work.
The game is great but the ad banner just cost my $4.99 to unsubscribe for something my toddler touched. Not happy with that. Even though you have to usually put in a password to buy things on my phone
My toddlers Love it!
I am sorry.
Hv N
by X####:
My 2 yr old niece loves this game. She calls it "pop" and asks for it every time she sees my phone. Simple, straightforward, and entertaining. Great work devs.