About 香艳斗地主
穿越回古代,与古代的各个名妓和美女一起进行斗地主比赛。可以一边清松的进行着斗地主游戏,同时还可以欣赏各个美女。与各个美女一起激情比赛,通过童生试,乡试,会试,殿试者可以进入斗地主无线极乐模式。赶快与各个美女挑战吧! Through the back ancient times, with various ancient and beautiful courtesans were Landlords game together. You can clear the loose side were the Landlords game, but also can enjoy various beauty. Various beauty and passion for the game together, through child health test, examination, will try, successful candidates, can enter Landlords wireless bliss mode. Quickly challenges and various beauty bar!