About 小博士看图猜成语
小博士看图猜成语是一款休闲益智类游戏,每个关卡一副图片,玩家需要从图中内容猜出一个成语即可过关。游戏一共800难关等你来猜,快来玩吧,看看你是不是把语文交回给老师了啊!巧妙的图与字的结合,让你苦思冥想后恍然大悟,开怀一笑!既可以愉悦心情,又可以训练思维,绝对是老少皆宜的文字游戏佳品! Doctor Figure guess idiom is a casual puzzle game, each level a picture, players need to guess the contents from the figure an idiom clearance. A total of 800 games waiting for you to guess the storm, come play with me and see if you are not a return to the language teacher ah! Figure combined with clever words, so you tried to think back suddenly, a laugh! Both joyful mood, they can be trained thinking is definitely a word game for all ages to share!