QuiZ對壘 加強版 for Android
*2015 年夏季隆重登場*
・2 種《QuiZ對壘》對戰模式-基本和戰略模式帶來不同的遊戲體驗!
・超過 20,000 條由《QuiZ對壘》團隊及玩家撰寫的精選文字與圖片題目,分佈多個類別,遍及不同範疇。
Facebook: QuiZ對壘
* 2015 summer grand debut *
• Two "QuiZ confront" Battle Mode - basic and strategic model brings a different gaming experience!
· More than 20,000 by the "QuiZ confront" writing team and the player's selection of text and image problems, distributed more than one category, throughout different areas.
· Mount strongest Chart - Competition with other players encyclopedic knowledge contest.
I · Leave own problems, and available to contribute to the reward.
Invite a friend to play against using social networking accounts.
• Design unique Avatar.
· Timeless "QuiZ confront" the latest addition to the title text and pictures every day, with the times!
Challenge yourself and others immediately encyclopedic knowledge!
Facebook: QuiZ confront