Ahorra2 - Billetera Personal for Android
El usuario debe responder correctamente las preguntas de cada nivel en un tiempo dado. A medida que va avanzando de niveles, las preguntas son más complejas y el tiempo es menor. Los participantes pueden elegir entre jugar en modo single player (individual) o desafiar a algún amigo. Por cada nivel desbloqueado, el participante ganará minutos acreditados a su cuenta.
The goal is to unlock all 8 levels. In the process people will receive relevant financial information that will help you optimize your personal finances, and can make different packs of minutes. For each level there are tutorials where you can learn different concepts.The user must correctly answer questions from each level in a given time. As level progresses, questions are more complex and the time is less. Participants can choose to play in single player mode (single) or challenge a friend. Each unlocked level, the participant will earn minutes credited to your account.