Princess. Fantasy road for Android
I know I look like a boy but I'm a little girl I was thinking about the game with a princes hat so plz add it in thx
Very very boring one level come again and again
Normal but not good
cool game for passing time :) works perfectly on my lenovo
Nice game but after sometime it becomes boring
Normal but not good
I hate it so booooooorng
Bad experience automatically hangs and game is over!!!!!!!
It is so fun
Nice game but after sometime it becomes boring
خوب است، همه ی راه ها را دارد
Nicy n so touchy
It's a great game... i found 1 problem... you need to be very careful around edges because i found that if you try to walk over the inside corners of each turn you will fall... other than that it's a great game... you should get it... just remember watch out for those corners...
It is a good game when i am bored i play the game and it doesn't make me bored. But there is one wrong thing the bridge breaks when you are near it the wood breaks
It can get pretty hard though
Azaan Ullah siddiqui
it is the worst game i've ever played.The princess walks so slowly.
The little princess whenever I turned she fell through a SOLID OBJECT. If u are trying to make it like real life u FAILED because nobody falls through SOLID objects unless it is broken.
Hallo - gut fisch gefangen I am glad that you can find the best of luck with it. It really is. q to
I don't really care about doing this but ok .....IT'S A NICE GAME BUT NOT REALLY FUN ..MY KIDS PLAY IT BUT WITH A SO ME HOW SAD FACE
I really enjoyed the game it's automatically change the colour of back ground when I finish level and the best thing is that we can change the colour of its dress according to our choice
It is the mother of all princess game and it is different and I loved it
This game is fun but it's really touchy.
Like it .... Plz arrange more games like this...
There is no way she can go through soileds just no way!
This games is aewsome and the princes lovely
it is ok not the best if u make it better i will gove u 5 star
I know I look like a boy but I'm a little girl I was thinking about the game with a princes hat so plz add it in thx
This game is fun but still you only cross a brige then a tile then some logs and thats it!
Hey i love it ! OMG =)
Games is veri good. My gf word top 1 beutiful. N. T
I don't care bout u people but i love this game.
It keeps you busy for a long time
It is so fun
سلام به کسانی که این بازی را دانلود نمی کنند این بازی عالی است
I love playing it
Good game but should have more attractive surrounding....
It was absolutely nothing, it's just horrible
by D####:
its very bore....when i started to play the game .......i feel very bored.... it has no speed...... sorry for gave u 1*