About ADV トガビトノセンリツ(製品版) - KEMCO
さらには禁断のifストーリー、あの日あの時山中で拉致されなかった場合の、めちゃくちゃな管弦部合宿の光景を楽しむことができる『無名の断片/空が晴れていた場合』を完全書き下ろし収録! 携帯電話版をお楽しみ頂いたお客様にも、お楽しみいただけること請け合いです。
- ノベル・アドベンチャー
- 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.1
- HVGA(320x480) 以上のサイズ
[Xperia(TM) PLAY]
- 最適化済み(Xperia PLAY Optimized)
- 可能(※本体容量を節約する機能です。端末間のゲームデータ移動には使えません)
- 日本語
- HT-03A(OS1.6), Xperia(OS1.6), Xperia(OS2.1), LYNX(OS1.6), IS01(OS1.6), WX04K(OS4.1アップデート後)
※本アプリは「トガビトノセンリツ」の、ダウンロード時に本編料金をあらかじめお支払いいただくバージョンです。ダウンロード無料でご試遊いただける従来作は、「ADV トガビトノセンリツ(体験版)」と名称を変更しました。製品版と体験版でゲーム内容は同等ですのでご注意ください。
(C)2011-2012 KEMCO In cursed prison, Togabito sing. The sinful youth, to withstand Ikinone.
It led to the withdrawal of the murder game, 11 young men of the story.
※ when it is published play video ※
The public range is limited. Please refer always following the "Guidelines".
■ to prison, Welcome
Fall in holiday extracurricular activities, I was invited to be suddenly abducted "prison", I Tatsushi Kada third high school, orchestral section line of. They to imposed was the participation in the wanton murder game referred to as a "Prisoner game".
They will try to resist the game, contrary to the will, gradually fluctuates in Yuku belief, crazy to erosion, of each going peel off mask - and, when all the karma was revealed, they are what it will what will be a conclusion like. It was colored by the curse of the melody, the youth of the trajectory of the 11 people Togabito, please Mitodoke.
■ psycho suspense novels Adventure
"Door Gabi in concert melody" is a novel type adventure game in which the story progresses by advancing to read the text. Choices that appear in every key point, in a is Kazuma Takei hero, looms the death or life of the alternative.
Once the game by clearing the ban is "back mode", it will be able to peek at each character of the true feelings and back scene in the pivotal points. Truth of the apparent incident in the back mode and the true ending of the story, is a must-see.
■ content greatly enhanced!
And power up significantly from the mobile phone app version of "Togabito". Played a large screen size, image quality and sound quality is greatly improved, fully corresponding to the touch operation of the smart phone, you can comfortably read it as a digital novel.
To "fragment collection" that can read the past background of each character in the monologue form, finally the story of the "walnut", "Chizuru" appeared.
Furthermore, it is forbidden if a story, that day of the case that have not been abducted in that time the mountains, it is possible to enjoy the sight of the mess orchestral part training camp "if the fragment / empty anonymous had been fine" a complete newly written included! Also Customers who enjoy the mobile phone version, is an assurance that you can enjoy.
- Novell Adventure
[Supported OS]
- 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.1
[Supported screen]
- HVGA (320x480) or more sizes
[Xperia (TM) PLAY]
- Optimized (Xperia PLAY Optimized)
Move to SD card]
- possible (. ※ This function is used to save the body capacity can not be used in the game data movement between the terminals)
[supported language]
- Japanese
[Non-compatible handsets]
- HT-03A (OS1.6), Xperia (OS1.6), Xperia (OS2.1), LYNX (OS1.6), IS01 (OS1.6), WX04K (OS4. 1 after the update)
※ It is information as of July 30, 2015
(Japan domestic terminal was released from cellular phone carriers have been made basically the operation check. The other terminal will be done at our operation guarantee out)
※ This game is that pay the main price at the time of download, you can enjoy the game story to the end. Then further enjoy additional episodes, etc., available for purchase within the app.
※ This application of "door Gabi in concert melody", the version that get pre-pay the main price at the time of download. Conventional work which you can download free trial play you have changed the name as "ADV door Gabi in concert melody (Trial)". Please note that the product version and trial version of the game content is the same.
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(C) 2011-2012 KEMCO