ZoomBee for Android
A very simple and challenging game where you, with just the touch of a finger on the screen of your device, will control the Zoombee in his round the world. You should collect the buckets with nectar and escape from obstacles and enemies that you will find along the way.
At each stage, you will have to manage to collect a number of buckets in a given time.
What counts in this game is your ability to do this as quickly as possible, the time taken for completion of the phases is the key to his victory.
For your enjoyment you get even better at the end of each match, you can save your data in our ranking system, this is a feature we offer free in Owpoga.com site. For more information visit www.owpoga.com/zoombeepage and read the conditions for use of the system.
This is the full game, you'll find it 30 phases to be completed and that can save matches data to participate in the ranking. This is the full and free version of promotional content.
You do not have promotional content display capabilities. and does not make any marketing within the game.
Zoombee is a very fun game where you will control the actions of an unconventional bee.
She is traveling in the outside world in search of new emotions and pollen buckets to take back to their hive. Know your history www.owpoga.com/zoombeepage.
You must go through 30 stages to finish a match at the end of each match, you can choose to save your score to the publication of the game ranking in www.owpoga.com site.
Registration on the site is free.
Distribution versions:
Full: Full version with 30 levels, resources to Score sending to the ranking (complimentary) owpoga.
Full Ads: Full version with 30 levels, resources to Score sending to the ranking (complimentary) owpoga, contains displays of promotional banners. (economic)
Free: reduced version with 10 stages, contains displays of promotional banners. [Free]
Attention: Before you buy make sure it is the version that you really want, there is no possibility of exchange