Lost Heir 3: Demon War

Lost Heir 3: Demon War Free Game

Rated 3.89/5 (229) —  Free Android application by Hosted Games

About Lost Heir 3: Demon War

20% off until March 24th!

Defeat the rampaging demon horde, save the Kingdom of Daria, and avenge the death of your parents in the thrilling conclusion to this epic three part series! You’ll need all the power you can muster to finish building your legend, tapping into any of the dozen new prestige classes, including Druid of Decay, Dragon Knight, and even fighting the demons with their own fire by becoming a Demon Master!

"The Lost Heir 3: Demon War" is a 250,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Mike Walter—the conclusion to the trilogy—where your choices control the story. The game is entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Face betrayal, seek romance, battle enemies in war, and navigate the intrigues of court. The fate of the kingdom of Daria is in your hands.

• Play as male or female, gay or straight.
• Pursue romantic interests, get married, have a child!
• Acquire legendary magical artifacts.
• Reach one of seven different endings! Restore peace and harmony to the Kingdom of Daria or plunge the world into chaos, the choice is yours!

How to Download / Install

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Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: org.hostedgames.lostheir3, download Lost Heir 3: Demon War.apk

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• Various Bug Fixes
• Some Grammar Clarified
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What are users saying about Lost Heir 3: Demon War

by O####:

Played as a charming and beloved bard, get married, have a child and surrounded by friend. But no matter how hard I try in the end I end up as a hideous demon slave to some random wizard. Can't you do something with the fixed ending issue?, I am curious enough to buy this despite the review of other player. Its not a lot of money but sometimes people read fiction for a good happy ending, right?

by S####:

Contrary to what others said, the change of pace was only for a while, because soon the pace and the grand feel of the previous 2 games were restored. BUT, the skill check were waaaay too much while also too hard and it kinda helps if they're easily fixed by going back and increase necessary stats but it seems like all the stats that you build up by being steady in a job from the 2 games before just missing it's purpose. Either reduce the stats check, or reduce it's penalty.

by S####:

The game isn't too bad. The only big issues are it feels like you're playing a test game. Stats play a huge part and if you got the wrong stats (religion, magic, those type of stats) you get destroyed. Everything at the end is agility, endurance, strength and if you dont got those. You're done. You are a king now, but you feel like a student trying to pass all these stat exams just to get an ending you want. Not bad, but definitely not better than the first 2.

by M####:

Like others have noted, if you focus on anything but physical stats, like being a max wizard, you are doomed. There is no way to a good ending, just destined to failure. I liked the other two but the third one just destroys the character I built in them with no way to save them. Let down.

by S####:

Overall not a bad story Part 3. Continous from Part 2 which I highly recommend u get the 1st 2 parts. This 3rd part have high cross stats checks. Even though I load my previous saved game I cant even hit 80 % of the requirements which is too high. Also u cant see the GOLD u have? The High Stats Cross checks is a flaw here. Overall still a good story game.

by S####:

Well...After 57 play thru's and starting over the trilogy at least 5 times, I finally beat the game with the heroes ending. I take back every negative comment I made, because the ending was freaking awesome. The only thing I wished was different is ***spoilers*** that I really wanted to regain my humanity after returning to the real world. Other than that, 10/10!

by Q####:

Love this cyoa book! I have managed to get three different endings! Idk why other people are complaining about stat checks and certain charecters only give certain endings but i do agree on the lack of depth for something like the hero ending.

by S####:

Picks up right where the second story finishes. Very fun story with some good surprises. Have to comment on so many people complaining because they can't get the hero ending. You won't be able to get the hero ending if you don't have the right skills/stats. The end goal is to regain your kingdom and retake the throne. Since all great kings are typically warriors, or knights, or something along those lines, it stands to reason that if you're a mage or a bard, or one of the many other classes that would not usually ever be a ruler of a kingdom, then you will not get the hero ending. While those classes are fun to play for the first 2 games, they won't get you where you need to be for the final showdown. To be the hero you have to play all 3 books focusing on becoming a battle ready king. Don't bother with willpower since that takes away from the other abilities. Focus on all the other stats, since you'll need them all. For skills you will want to max out blades. You're also going to have to gain as much knowledge as possible in geography, and history, and even arcana. Great walkthru for 1st 2 books on youtube (by Lucas Anderson). They leave you in good shape to get the hero ending

by S####:

So I bought all three games of lost Heir I got to say the third one's got to be the best out of all three in story but it really feels like it should have been the second game to come out and not the Third you go from Leading Armies and killing spies to wanting other kids from the class to like you I don't know seems to me like a step backwards

by B####:

Story is ok, but the stat checks man, I'm surprised there's not an agility stat check for kissing your wife/husband. Maybe it's good for some but for me who hates min maxing in any game, just not my cup of tea.

by S####:

Not as good as the first two. It may change later on and I will edit my review but after leading a huge army to fight for a kingdom, going to Uni and trying to pass my exams seems like a very odd and disappointing change of pace.

by S####:

This book is way to punishing with the skill checks. There's one where you need agility to cast your spell fast enough as a mage. That's just rediculous. And this one obviously favours some classes over others. Like the ending with the fall. If you or Elijah can't use magic, or if you don't have a dragon, or if you didn't give in and got demon wings, you are going to die. But what I hated most about this book was that you didn't have a choice if you wanted to be a demon or not. No matter what, you will always end up as a demon by the end of the book. We shouldn't just change just because we are missing skill checks that certain classes can't even have in the first place. We should be given a choice on whether or not we want to be a demon. Don't make that choice for us. I even had to go back to the first 2 books multiple times just to make one of my characters be able to handle this one. Please change some of these problems.

by S####:

So, I played this game coming in thinking every page would show that Lucid is still on top, but unfortunately this game is disappointing. I read a couple of reviews before posting this and a guy said "you go from leading a army to trying to pass exams" and that how this game is overall a bunch of letdowns, don't let me get started on those annoying ass stat checks. The ending is horrendous even if you get there but I thought we would see some scenes of us with our child or our love interest but it just abruptly ends. No disrespect to Lucid but not a great one

by A####:

Great choice game. Definitely better than most. However, it's really annoying when you reach 100 in a skill and still fail when you try to use it. Makes you incompetent for the sake of plot.

by K####:

Seriously? I play the entire trilogy and we get this as an ending?! Honestly the state checks are pure bs and it's so annoying! Why did it have to end like this! The stat checks are relentless and it literally undermined the rest of the series. God dammit!

by S####:

You have no true free will in the game you can't pick a untriondal class you must certain classes to achieve the actual endings otherwise you get the same don't waste your money this book is horrible

by O####:

Having played the series and now coming to this. Everything was great until there came a point where in the story you have to become a demon and mind your humanity is a big problem for me. Most of my stats revolve around good religion and magic. This makes me furious to find out they become completely usless in this segment (also the last and most important part of the story) because these skills end up failing me no matter the decision because they require things like endurance, agility, and strenght which failure, succession, or accepting demon qualities will decide how much of a demon you will become. I am completely forced to lose all of my humanity with no other option and get a ending i dont want. This will require me starting over in the series to have my stats in certain areas. The story is beautiful and amazing and i would give all the series 5 stars for it but this problem makes a story feel like you are forced to do one way or is unexplorable. If something is included to give option or edge for choices like that i will reconsider but as of now this is highly disappointing. Edit: so i finally found a way to get a better ending but it seems like i cant branch into other stats or go to far from a very specific story line still revolving around physical stats like strenght,agility, and endurance, still disappointing.

by S####:

I played the first and second game and became a Wizard. I got married with Jess and had a child named Michael. I've played this game for over a 3 hours and loved every second of it. I lost it when both of my friends, Petra and Karl, died. I kept cheering for my character until the end and thought nothing could go wrong. But then, that blasted ending came. Each time I play, I always get The Puppet ending. Considering how much I poured my heart out for my character, it hurts seeing him turn into a Demon and forced to be a servant of Alexander. There were times in which I had to restart from the very first book, but it only gave me The Monster ending. Which is very disappointing knowing I had to play for 4 hours straight. It's frustrating. I consulted a bunch of people on Steam but to no avail. To make the matter worse, this book relies on agility, strength, endurance, and stealth. So all my Wizard training was for nothing. I'm starting to think that such ending doesn't exist and that I can't stop the inevitable destruction of Daria. But overall, good job. I enjoyed all three books together. Not bad, but obviously not better than the first and second.

by S####:

I have now carried out about 20 playthroughs, and I'm thoroughly, thoroughly disappointed with how limited the ending possibilities are. Not to say 7 different ones isn't enough, but rather, the means of reaching anything other than 'The Puppet' are strictly limited. There seems to be only one option to avoid failing to defeat Zusak, and that's focusing on agility and endurance from what I can determine. I tried to play with one of my favourite combinations, priestess with full magic, perception and charm. No dice, trapped as Zusak's pet demon however you play it. This is infuriating as these character traits were hugely successful through the last two games, which leads you to believe they are worth pursuing. It's like every different combination you used previously is worthless unless it means a few stat goals in the last few pages. I don't think I'll play this again - if you've built a character that's anything other than an endurance agility specialist, there's no point playing.

by S####:

Story wise, the third part fulfills the expectations of a grand ending and the wide variety of jobs and classes one can get into is beyond great. However this game particularly dissapoints at the highly difficult stat checks placed everywhere, especially at the ending half, not to mention the highly difficult to beat 'grand tournament'. However the game is not 'impossible' to beat, just, extremely difficult. I tried a variety of builds varying from wizard to assassin, but finally managed to beat it using an enlightened monk build with high agility​, endurance, perception and unarmed stats; there may be other ways to beat it too, however, I have not found them. Another major flaw in the game is the lack of use of available artifacts although there are many situations when they could be used, for eg. take the belt of speed, there are very few choices where it was provided, whereas it could have been used in many other places (although i understand it would break the balance of the game), more use of the artifacts and lower stat checks or stat checks that can be passed in different ways, eg. Being able to use magic to boost speed etc if one's actual agility is too low etc. would be most appreciated by everyone. As a conclusion to the review, the game provides a spectacular finale (if the right ending is attained, eg. the Hero ending) to the epic series, although this final installment isn't for the faint of heart as it requires MANY play throughs, where u even have to restart form the first book in order to attain the best ending(s).

by S####:

These boys want me to pay 9.99 for a damn playable story thats most likely trash. Made me waste my damn data

by S####:

This game is not nearly as good as the first 2 what is with all the skill checks anyway feels like you are forcing the player to play a specific class

by S####:

The story was amazing, so far I have only got the puppet ending but I enjoy the many different ways the story can go.

by F####:

Disappointed should have a play for free all the way through option L Ike first two did now I have to spend money to complete a game I live on a budget

by S####:

I love this series and have restarted from part 1 to relive the story from different character progressions.

by S####:

Does anyone know how to save the poppy chatacter with short spiked hair when facing the 3 ogres

by J####:

The ending is impossible just a big let down for me and i loved the first two

by S####:

This was really a impressive work although in order to get the hero ending is to maximize agility,strength,and endurance.I hope there's something that you can be a human again

by S####:

Replayed this series 3 times already. Im a vimpiric lord baby.

by S####:

So far so good...untilll "only chapter 1 is free" warning...i suggest others​ to try play The Great Tournament & Swamp Castle for best experience

by W####:

A massive disappointment, as the lack of logic destroys the game and stat checks ruin what's left of it. Logic stands to reason that fighting with a sword would increase your swordsmanship, right? Wrong! Not in this game, best become a knight, because that's the only way to increase your ability to fight with a sword. It's also the only way to get a desirable end. If you're REALLY good, you might be able to pull out the W with a Rune Warrior like I did, but it took me 17 playthroughs to do that. On a side note, everyone complaining about having to purchase the book to finish it, grow the hell up. This man worked hard and dedicated a lot of time to craft a great story (even though the gameplay sucked). He obviously didn't make it so that others could read it and he could just feel good about completing it. No! He wrote it so he could pay his damn bills! Stop complaining about paying $5 to read his work. I mean hell my books sell for somewhere between $15 and $30 at Barnes & Nobel. Authors have to make ends meet, just the same as everyone else. How are we supposed to do that if we work for free? Ads in a book like this won't produce much revenue, and the publisher knows that, so they put a price on it, and you pay for it. If you don't have an extra $5 to pay for a book, then maybe you should sell your pc, smartphone, tablet, or whatever your using to read it on. Smh.

by S####:

Really you should rerwite the game so you could explore your character more.

by S####:

Definitely a drop in quality from the first 2 and the story was imminently unsatisfying from start to finish

by E####:

I really like all of the lost heir games they are good and have a good story and i hope more games are good like this

by S####:

It's ok but paying for the next chapter is not worth it

by S####:

Best game ever!!! Got the hero ending on my first run!

by S####:

Pretty cool. How the hell do you learn tybors secret tho

by D####:

Stats. All I have to say.

by S####:

Whatever happend to lost heir 1 & 2?

by B####:

You have to pay to play

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