Edu Panda is a game for kids that consists of some categories such as counting numbers, identifies fruits, and identifies animals. This game is interesting and educative all at once because in each level there is Edu Panda character which challenges kids to learn in a fun way. Enjoy playing with Edu Panda!
This game is created and designed by :
- Kartini Aprilia Pratiwi Nuzry
- Retno Andriani
- Ririh Darmastuti Arinta Rieshari
Edu Panda adalah permainan untuk anak-anak yang terdiri dari beberapa kategori seperti menghitung, mengenal buah, dan mengenal hewan. Permainan ini menarik sekaligus mendidik karena di setiap levelnya terdapat karakter Edu Panda yang mengajak anak-anak untuk belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Selamat bermain dengan Edu Panda!
Permainan ini dibuat dan didesain oleh:
- Kartini Aprilia Pratiwi Nuzry
- Retno Andriani
- Ririh Darmastuti Arinta Rieshari
S1 INFORMATIKA UNS Edu Panda is a game for kids that consists of some categories such as counting numbers, Identifies fruits, and Identifies animals. This game is interesting and educative all at once Because in each level there is Edu Panda character roomates challenges kids to learn in a fun way. Enjoy playing with Edu Panda!
This game is created and designed by:
- Kartini Aprilia Pratiwi Nuzry
- Retno Andriani
- Ririh Darmastuti Arinta Rieshari
Edu Panda is a game for children that consist of several categories such as counting, familiar fruit, and learning about animals. The game is interesting and educational because in each level there are Edu Panda character that invites children to learn in a fun way. Congratulations played with Edu Panda!
The game was created and designed by:
- Kartini Aprilia Pratiwi Nuzry
- Retno Andriani
- Ririh Darmastuti Arinta Rieshari