About Hangman hioa
Hangman android app documentation
If you want to play a well-known and popular games, then you've come to the right place. This game is fun and educational in that you can further develop your vocabulary in Norwegian, English and German! The app can then of course be expanded with more languages and more words.
The game has a simple and structurally simple user interface so that the developer can expand with additional functions if desired. During this documentation will be made from information on how to use the app while I will demonstrate what classes I've created and by means of a drawing showing how the classes work together. Hopefully looking user interface so simple and attractive so that the user will play this often.
The game
Our game is equivalent to a traditional Hangman game. The program will choose a random word from a ready-made table, showing small letter containers in the form of rectangles in the middle of the screen that represents the length of the word so that the player knows how many letters there are in total. When a word has been played in a session of Hangman, the word will not be reused.
To start playing, the user can enter on any letter to guess whether the word contains the letter somewhere. If there are, the letter (s) will appear in red lettering the places in the word letter (e) is located. If, however, are not the whole galgebildet to evolve with one part at a time.
In both cases, the letter which has been used is marked as keyed.
In this game, the user has up to seven wrong guesses before all hangman appears, with the eighth as rewarding about it being a loss or victory. One must, in other words, guess correctly the word within seven wrong guess to win this!
In Hangman is provided for that one can guess at Norwegian, English or German words. Good luck!
Here I have drawn most of the colors in the actual game activity be black / white with the exception of the word one should guess. The choice for it to be red is for it to be so conspicuous as possible. It is noted that the place where the word one should guess is something small, this is because the words table are of varying sizes. Therefore it became a kind of trade-off between how much area should be and that there must be room for the word despite the word's length.
Of all the displays are only intro screen that has many colors to seem appealing when the user starts running the game.
Our Hangman game supports landscape "orientation" for all Activities.
Then Hangman game finally up and operable. In current form, the game is still limited in that it is adapted only Nexus with API 19 and similar cell phones in 480x800 format. There is much one can implement or improve the existing code .. just imagination.
Upon completing the task I have learned more Android framework, xml resources, Intent, user interactions, Action Bar, layout and conditions of application. Hangman android app documentation
If you want to play a well-known and popular games, then you've come to the right place. This game is fun and educational in That you can further Develop your vocabulary in Norwegian, English and German! The app can then of course be expanded with more languages and more words.
The game has a simple and structurally simple user interface so That the developer can expand with additional functions if Desired. During this documentation will be made from information on how to use the app while I will demonstrate what classes I've created and by Means of a drawing showing how the classes work together. Hopefully looking user interface so simple and attractive so That the userswill play this often.
The game
Our game is equivalent to a traditional Hangman game. The program will choose a random word from a ready-made table, showing small letter containers in the form of rectangles in the middle of the screen That represents the the length of the word so That the player knows how many letters there are in total. When a word HAS BEEN Played in a session of Hangman, the word will not be reused.
To start playing, the user can enter on any letter to guess Whether the word contains the letter somewhere. If there are, the letter (s) will Appear in red lettering the places in the word letter (e) is located. If, however, are not the whole galgebildet two evolve with one party at a time.
In both cases, the letter wooden HAS BEEN exceptionally ice market as keyed.
In this game, the user has up to seven wrong guess before all hangman APPEARS, with the eighth as rewarding about it being a loss or victory. One must, in otherwords, guess correctly the word within at seven wrong guess to win this!
In Hangman is provided for That One can guess that Norwegian, English or German words. Good luck!
Here I have drawn most of the colors in the actual game activity ask black / white with the exception of the word one should guess. The choice for it to be red is for it to be so conspicuous as possible. It is Noted That the place where the word one should guess is something small, this is Because The words table are of varying sizes. Therefore it Became a kind of trade-off between how much area should be and thatthere must be room for the word Despite the word's length.
Of all the displays are only intro screen That has many colors two seeminterested appealing When the user starts running the game.
Our Hangman game supports landscape "orientation" for all Activities.
Then Hangman game finally up and operable. In current form, the game is still limited in Thats it is Adapted only Nexus with API 19 and similar cell phones in 480x800 format. There is much one can Implement or improve the Existing code .. just imagination.
Upon comp exploration the task I have learned more Android framework, xml resources, Intent, user interactions, Action Bar, layout and conditions of application.