Pipe Rider for Android
Please add more levels! In the meanwhile I'm gunna go on Fri and play the REAL pipe riders.
Only 5 levels
Nice game .
This is a amazing game and interseting but tough rounds but then also i achieve. Like it'
Decent game, but really short. Completed it in 15min.
Lol, "pipe rider" having fun at programming dept?
Good is game is Nice
Its really good game. But only have 5 levels!!!
Should have DEH
This is a amazing game and interseting but tough rounds but then also i achieve. Like it'
Yeah interesting game :)
Nice game .
Only 5 levels
Always play it
Best game ever
Awesome if u reading u loser
Please add more levels! In the meanwhile I'm gunna go on Fri and play the REAL pipe riders.
Love it , thanks
Rocking and rolling. Game
Too short
Toy truck
Definitely not something you can play in line at the bank (quick time waster) but an actual video game.. and i like that.. :)
I will give 5 if time out is gone....
Reminds me of the game from Miniclip that's called pipe riders also.
The game was nice and classic. What it misses: harder levels, more levels. These 5 were easy.
As I tap to steer, I fire the antifreeze gun, sometimes destroying valuable powerups. I suggest that you should modify the game so the steering is performed by the accelerometer.
Goooooooooooooooooood get the game
All swiping on the screen made me a little bit a tired and I was not able to focus on the game because of constant swiping on screen. Make it with gyro control and send me a request to test the game please.
Macam tak boleh main je
Really good you guys have to get it
by M####:
Its really good game. But only have 5 levels!!!