De Optimist for Android
Als zeiler ben je volledig afhankelijk van de wind. Daarom ben jij in deze game zélf de wind. Door in de microfoon van je device te blazen, blaas je wind in je zeil en ga je vooruit. De game speel je dus door je device plat voor je mond te houden.
Play the game "The Optimist" and experience how much fun it is to sail. The game consists of several levels. On each level you can win bronze, silver or gold, depending on points earned and gained time. But beware! You never know what you all come to the sea ...As a sailor you are completely dependent on the wind. That's why you're in the game itself the wind. By blowing into the microphone of your device you blow wind in your sails and go forward. So the game you play through your mouth to keep you. Device flat