Electric screen X laser prank

Electric screen X laser prank Free Game

Rated 3.72/5 (12,369) —  Free Android application by Super Lightning World Apps & Games

About Electric screen X laser prank

Thank you for installing X Electric Screen - Simulated. Be prepared to spend fun times playing tricks on your friends. Tell him to touch the screen of your mobile phone or tablet and electric shock prank will.

*** The simulator electric screen is a video game for Android mobile devices. Lightning and thunder are simulated. It is not real power, it is only a simulation that appear on the screen, along with a sound and vibration to make it look real. They will be just as rays of a laser pointer, but on the screen.

Welcome to the exciting world of electricity electrifying. Can you imagine that when someone touches the screen of your phone out an electric ray of thousand volts to harmlessly scare and prank your friends? Well now it is the new, original and genuine "flash screen X". This video game thus creates special visual effects, such as auditory and sensory touch, so that the simulation of electricity on the screen of your phone look as real as possible. Special visual effects have been generated through an algorithm created by our development team from scratch, getting a high-quality effects and laser beams continuously generating random, using the vector generation system based on measurements that have frames made of real electric ray angle level and timing of change of state and the luminance level and adjust the alpha channel.

How to play?

Simple, just run the application and select the first option where the finger appears on the phone screen is off lightning. Now you'll be taken to the selection of rays. Choose the first ray of electricity by touching it, now every time you touch on the screen of your electronic device with an electron beam simulating finger that has given you the power will also vibrator will activate your mobile phone giving more sense of realism and of course sound electronic sound effect as issuing tesla producing a high-voltage electricity. But this is only the beginning, the game has just begun. Your mission is to get unlock all kinds of lightning. There are 4 types of electric rays, each is a different color, the red ray is already unlocked, yellow, green and blue ray need to unlock to use them and thus be able to access the conquest of the effect of flash light flashing, what that will make each time you use the electric screen out the LED light flash your device giving greater realism of electrocution.
To unlock each virtual coins you get electric screen. These coins are always free and you can buy them playing the game Electric Shooter that incorporate, but also can get coins watching videos and sharing your favorite social network.

Electric Shooter X

Step into the world of electric tesla towers. You have been provided with a cannon power of thousands of mega volt power to throw balls at maximum power. Your mission is to clear each level balls electron beams. In the sky a huge thunderstorm, dark clouds, lightning, thunder and lightning down at high speed ahead. Load your gun with electromagnetic balls together and get the same kind of lightning to come off the magnetism that unites them. Two towers tesla are watching your steps, uses electrical screen of your tablet or phone to throw the ball lightning. Be quick because the storm is coming, not a laser pointer can with it, just you and your courage will defeat it. You will have to go through hundreds of different levels and very difficult to meet your electrical mission.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Electric screen X laser prank version 2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: net.electric.screen.x, download Electric screen X laser prank.apk

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Game History & Updates

Version update Electric screen X laser prank was updated to version 2
More downloads  Electric screen X laser prank reached 1 000 000 - 5 000 000 downloads

What are users saying about Electric screen X laser prank

by R####:

Simple bit of fun. Vibration adds to realism sparks are good graphics. Haven't tried the 'not free' options.

by A####:

This game is really amazing and awesome

by R####:

Good game

by Q####:

love it so much

by C####:


by R####:


by R####:


by H####:

I hated the bubble game but I liked the efect of the electeicity. I scared alot of people in to thinking they broke my device. It was kind of crappy when I started but it is okay now★.

by U####:

A lot of people who got this app used it for pranking and such witch I think is so meant for this app I'm going to try it on my parents to see if I can prank them good work on the app 5 star

by R####:

No pranks, they just get you to watch videos and play a really bad and boring game.

by R####:

U know when u put ur finger on top does it work I'm saying this because I have not even downloaded it yet

by R####:

It so funny and i like creeping ppl out with it. Keep making more apps like this

by H####:

I let my ma touch my phone she thought she broke it

by R####:

It was ut was like cool but nhaa laaggy dum fake its just a bubble shooter game

by R####:

I don't wan't to waste space for this lame game and don't wan't to unlock stuff

by R####:

it has the coolest shoker ever . once i down load it iwas in prest

by M####:

A lot of people who got this app used it for pranking and such witch I think is so meant for this app I'm going to try it on my parents to see if I can prank them good work on the app 5 star

by G####:

One time my friend Allison freaked out because she thought my phone was broken!

by Y####:

No pranks, they just get you to watch videos and play a really bad and boring game.

by Y####:

U know when u put ur finger on top does it work I'm saying this because I have not even downloaded it yet

by I####:

I told my sister she could play a game and she touched it and it did it's thing it scared the poop out of her

by D####:

Love it

by Y####:

I scared my whole family but not my another sister

by Q####:

Why u say i`m saying it's awesome is I scared my own mom doing that it's a 5 star I love it :-)

by Y####:

What I like about this game is you trick people in to thinking they broke your things and you might get a new one depends on how smart they are

by Y####:

It keep take you where you dont want to go when you dont even Touch the button and other pls fix it.

by Y####:

So hard I played it, it isn't a wallpaper so awful ugh I touhgt it was not fun!

by M####:

Well it does have electricity but the cool thing would be if looked like the screen was cracked

by G####:

I showed it to my friends it really worked they freaked out love it

by Y####:

Horrible thats all i have to say

by E####:

Its just a stupid bubble game it sucks

by Y####:

I mean it's good but you can't play anything or tex.

by T####:

WOW . I like the way I lectures but I can't do any thing else

by Y####:

I love it lol

by Y####:

It was ut was like cool but nhaa laaggy dum fake its just a bubble shooter game

by Y####:

I don't wan't to waste space for this lame game and don't wan't to unlock stuff

by S####:

It cool my mom thought I broke tablet

by Y####:

I love this app but when I try to play a game it keeps me from playing it

by Y####:

My mom will freak out on this

by W####:

It doesn't look super realistic but fun

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