About Word Pebbles
Tired of Scrabble, crossword-like and thrilling word puzzle games and looking for a new challenge or relaxation?
Then Word Pebbles is just right for you.
In the design of the game, a lot of emphasis for a fun game play was taken
There are 8 letters available from which you form words. These letters were weighted according to their frequency, the less one letter appear, the more points you will earn.
Therefore, combine only rare letters for a high value.
Word Pebbles offers 6 game modes with variety and fun at the same time.
Test your general-, nature- and geography knowledge in the categories of:
* Basic - general you have 4 minutes to win the game
* Action - generally, you want a challenge? Find words within 60 seconds
* Cities
* Rivers
* Countries
* Animals
* Plants
At present, English and German are supported.
keywords: scrabble, crossword, english, board game, word game, squares, triple Word, crossword puzzles, crossword puzzle, puzzle, puzzles, word feud, play, fun, juggler, Kreuzworträtsel , wort spiel, wortspiel, wort puzzle, wortpuzzle, spaß, spass, freude, words app