ABC 123 Dots Kids for Android
Will not let you play past the 1st picture..
This froze up so many times I could only do the first 1. Too much hassle. Great concept but doesn't do what its supposed to.
download airpush detector, told me THIS app was reason i am getting spam on my notification bar.
This game freezes up....more often than getting to play and full of ads that won't close. Good idea, bad outcome.
My kid loved it
My daughter has learned abc and numbers with app. I am very happy :)
I love the fact that my daughter loves playing and learning everyday
Doesn't work on tablet
This app freeze alot when ads come up it will not let u click no thanks it try to force u too view ad uninstalled
Will not let you play past the 1st picture..
This froze up so many times I could only do the first 1. Too much hassle. Great concept but doesn't do what its supposed to.
download airpush detector, told me THIS app was reason i am getting spam on my notification bar.
This game freezes up....more often than getting to play and full of ads that won't close. Good idea, bad outcome.
My kid loved it
My daughter has learned abc and numbers with app. I am very happy :)
I love the fact that my daughter loves playing and learning everyday
Doesn't work on tablet
This app freeze alot when ads come up it will not let u click no thanks it try to force u too view ad uninstalled
Doesn't work Doesn't work on tablet
Freezes This froze up so many times I could only do the first 1. Too much hassle. Great concept but doesn't do what its supposed to.
My daughter has learned abc and numbers with app. I am very happy :)
CAUSES SPAM download airpush detector, told me THIS app was reason i am getting spam on my notification bar.
Great I love the fact that my daughter loves playing and learning everyday
My kid loved it
Junk! This game freezes up....more often than getting to play and full of ads that won't close. Good idea, bad outcome.
Doesn't work properly This app freeze alot when ads come up it will not let u click no thanks it try to force u too view ad uninstalled
by H####:
for my kids