About Matematik çocukları
Uygulamayla cocuklarinizla keyifli dakikalar gecireceginizden emin olabilirsiniz...,Gereksiz hatta bazen cocuklariniz icin zararli olabilecek binlerce uygulamanin mevcut oldugu bir ortamda, cocuklariniza verebileceginiz en guzel hediyelerden biridir Matematiğin çocukları uygulamasi...
Neler Mevcut ?
Uygulamada oyuncu ister tek basina, isterse bir baskasiyla(kardesi,arkadasi annesi,babasi...) karsilikli oyun oynamaktadir...
*Dort Islem
*En kucuk - En Buyuk
*Kesirli Sayilar Esitligi
Kullanici yukaridaki bolumlerden herhangi biri yada hepsiyle ilgili sorular cozebilecektir...Kullanici tek basina oynadiginda isteye bagli olarak yanlis yaptigi sorulari kaydedip, istedigi herhangi bir zaman Ogretmenine kolaylikla,kendisine sunulan ortamlari kullanarak, sorabilir...
Uygulamada 10 seviye bulunmaktadir, her seviye atladiginda sorular zorlasmaktadir...
Uygulamanin en guzel ozelliklerinden biri de sorularin dinamik olmasidir, yani onceden tanimli hicbir soru yoktur, uygulama sorulari kendisi olusturmaktadir...
Hem matematiginizin gelisecegi hemde Keyifli dakikalar gecireceginiz garantisiyle...iyi kullanimlar Apply with a child with pleasant moments will review can be sure ..., unnecessary and sometimes even your children for damage that may have thousands of application available that in an environment, children to react as your most beautiful gift is one of the mathematics children application ...
What's Available?
You want a player to practice alone, with someone else wants (brother, friend, mother, father ...) play is mutual ...
* Four Processing
* Complex
* Most small - the largest
* Number of fractional Equal
* Equations
User above section any one of or with all inquiries be able to solve ... user alone starring optional on as a wrong doing questions, save what they want at any time Teachers AnInA easily submitted to it, the media, using may ask ...
In practice, there are 10 levels, each level is difficult skipping questions on ...
One of the questions most beautiful feature of the application is to be dynamic, so no question is not already defined by the application itself constitute questions ...
Both geliseceg your maths as well as the delightful minutes ... good use of the warranty will review the
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