About 500 муаммо
Приложение "500 муаммо" содержит 500+ головоломок в виде 4 ассоциаций на таджикском языке. Пользователю предоставляется 100 монет в начале игры. Используя подсказки пользователь находит ответы головоломок, при это теряет свои монеты.
Пользователь имеет следующие возможности:
* выбор буквы;
* удаление ответа;
* замена монет на букву;
* замена монет на правильный ответ;
* замена монет на удаление ненужных букв;
* покупка монет;
* список пройденных игр.
Если у Вас есть вопросы, пожелания по продвижению приложения, найдены ошибки и т.д. можете обратится по электронной почте manizhakhon96@gmail.com.
Ваша поддержка имеет для продвижения нашего приложения огромное значение.
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The application "500 muammo" contains 500+ puzzles in the form of 4 associations in the tajik language. The user is given 100 coins at the beginning of the game. Using hints, the user finds the answers to the puzzles, while losing his coins.
User features:
* select the letter;
* delete the answer;
* to exchange coins for letter;
* to exchange coins for correct answer;
* to exchange coins for deleting incorrect letters;
* buying coins;
* list of completed games.
If you have questions, requests for promotion of the application, errors are found, etc. You can contact by e-mail manizhakhon96@gmail.com.
Your support has great value for promoting our application.
Good luck!!!
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Лоиҳаи "500 муаммо" дорои 500+ муаммои тоҷикӣ буда, 4 ассотсиатсияи калимаҳоро пешкаш менамояд. Дар оғози бозӣ 100 танга дода мешавад. Бо истифода аз маслиҳат ҷавоби муаммо ҷустуҷӯ карда шуда, вобаста ба он тангаҳо кам карда мешаванд.
Барои истифодабарандагон имкониятҳои намуди зеринро дастрас мекунад:
* интихоби ҳарф;
* тозакунии ҷавоб;
* ивази тангаҳо ба ҳарфи ҷавоб;
* ивази тангаҳо ба ҷавоби дуруст;
* ивази тангаҳо ба хориҷкунии ҳарфҳои нодуруст;
* хариди тангаҳо;
* рӯйхати бозии анҷомдода.
Дар мавриди доштани хоҳиш, эзоҳ барои пешбурди лоиҳа, ёфтани камбудиҳо бо почтаи электронии manizhakhon96@gmail.com муроҷиат намоед.
Дастгирии Шумо барои рушди лоиҳаи мо заминаи махсусе хоҳад шуд.
Теги: 500 муаммо, 500, муаммо The application "500 muammo" comprises 500+ puzzles as 4 associations Tajik. The user is given 100 coins at the beginning of the game. Using prompts the user finds the answers to the puzzles, when it loses its coin.
The user has the following features:
* Selection of the letters;
* The response;
* Replacement of coins on the letter;
* Replacement of coins on the correct answer;
* Replacement of coins to remove unnecessary letters;
* The purchase of coins;
* A list of passed games.
If you have questions, wishes to promote the application, found bugs, etc. You can contact by e-mail manizhakhon96@gmail.com.
Your support is to promote our applications of great importance.
Good luck !!!
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The application "500 muammo" contains 500+ puzzles in the form of four associations in the tajik language. The user is given 100 coins at the beginning of the game. Using hints, the user finds the answers to the puzzles, while losing his coins.
User features:
* Select the letter;
* Delete the answer;
* To exchange coins for letter;
* To exchange coins for correct answer;
* To exchange coins for deleting incorrect letters;
* Buying coins;
* List of completed games.
If you have questions, requests for promotion of the application, errors are found, etc. You can contact by e-mail manizhakhon96@gmail.com.
Your support has great value for promoting our application.
Good luck !!!
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Loiҳai "500 muammo" Doro 500+ muammoi toҷikӣ Buda 4 assotsiatsiyai kalimaҳoro peshkash menamoyad. Gift oғozi bozӣ 100 thong Doda meshavad. Bo istifoda al masliҳat ҷavobi muammo ҷustuҷӯ infarction Shudala, vobasta ba he tangaҳo Cams meshavand infarction.
Baro istifodabarandagon imkoniyatҳoi namudi zerinro dastras mekunad:
* Intihobi ҳarf;
* Tozakunii ҷavob;
* Ivazi tangaҳo ba ҳarfi ҷavob;
* Ivazi tangaҳo ba ҷavobi durust;
* Ivazi tangaҳo ba horiҷkunii ҳarfҳoi nodurust;
* Harida tangaҳo;
* Rӯyhati bozii anҷomdoda.
Gift mavridi doshtani hoҳish, ezoҳ Baro peshburdi loiҳa, oftani kambudiҳo bo Pochtai electrons manizhakhon96@gmail.com muroҷiat namoed.
Dastgir noise- Baro rushdi loiҳai mo jams Makhsus hoҳad shud.
Muvafaққiyat !!!
Tags: muammo 500, 500, muammo
by D####:
4 калимеюае, ки барои кумак дода шудааст, тамоман кумак намекунад. Хеле хуб фикр кардед аммо мукаммал еардан лозим. Ташаккур барои заҳмат