Leo's RC Simulator

Leo's RC Simulator Free Game

Rated 4.11/5 (41,847) —  Free Android application by Leopoldo Bueno Castillo


About Leo's RC Simulator

With more than 3.7 million's downloads, Leo’s RC Simulator is a really addictive flight simulator for airplane fanatics, real fanatics. If you are searching for an accurate flying experience without the risk of crashing your real RC plane, this RC flight simulator is for you.

You will get 20 aircrafts when you install Leo's RC Simulator, and the rest you can download for free in the "Extras" option in the main menu.

In other RC Simulators you will obtain one aircraft and one scenery, and you will have to pay if you want to fly with another airplane or in another field. With Leo's RC Simulator you can choose for free between more than 60 different airplanes and helicopters, and 5 sceneries, and of course all of them with extremely realistic features.

You will get hooked on the experience of flying in the various realistic 3D scenarios with a 360 degree vision of the world around.

• A full featured radio control models simulator.
• Photorealistic sceneries
• Soaring, glider trainer, glider aerobatic and helicopter.
• Manage all the RC simulator controls through a very simple and intuitive interface
• Choose between different airplanes, helicopters and scenarios
• Customise the aerodynamic parameters of your airplane (ailerons, elevator, rudder, inerce, power, lift, weight and size)
• Get extra contents from internet (new airplanes, helicopters, scenarios, etc.).

Please, note that the user experience can vary significantly depending on hardware.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Leo's RC Simulator version 1.75 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: leofs.android.free, download Leo's RC Simulator.apk

All Application Badges

Good rating
For everyone
Android game

Game History & Updates

What's Changed
No ads. It's now absolute free.
Version update Leo's RC Simulator was updated to version 1.75
Version update Leo's RC Simulator was updated to version 1.73
Version update Leo's RC Simulator was updated to version 1.70
Version update Leo's RC Simulator was updated to version 1.68

What are users saying about Leo's RC Simulator

by H####:

Every time u want to do an inverted pass (upside down) u and up crashing because when I want to push the alierons up to keep the plane (EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON) level it just disabled the whole joystick and and up crashing again. It was better in 2015's version

by Z####:

Planes respond very natural, very good to learn it first with this app before flying your real plane! Contains some minor flaws, like the smoke coming from the plane is somewhere else than the plane itself....

by G####:

Brilliant simulator that runs really smoothly on my phone once again. This has got to be the best and amazingly it's totally FREE! I like FREE! Thanks Leopoldo. Thanks for killing the adverts... Good show!

by T####:

Just installed the app, great fun!. scenery could be sharper.. so far so good.. have not been bombarded with adds as yet..

by Z####:

I love the whole thing! No ads, pick any plane you want, awesome! I have a suggestion though and is that can you make a mode where you're in first person cause would be awesome!

by W####:

Even better than picasim and its free, this is astonishing. Now me and my dad can fly again when there is snow on the ground outside lol!! Controls are to me just like the real rc planes we own, however I do wish the plane smoke we could turn off. From the engine lol

by Z####:

This is a good sim. It handles very easily. However, whenever I try to go to the download menu, an ad pops up and the game reloads.

by Z####:

Usually these rc games u have to play for the planes but now u don't have thanks and big thumbs up

by Z####:

Fantastic and free! Simply the best rc simulator, so many models and fields, glitch free graphics...superb !

by Z####:

There shoudl be more camara options pls can u male it so u can follow the plane or helicoptor pls if u can do that then illgive it 5 stars

by B####:

I love it so much but can you add more planes like the spitfire,b17, Lancaster, hurricane and more plz!

by Z####:

Everything feels laggy. Planes feel underpowered and unresponsive. Roll rates etc are just way too slow. Not good

by Z####:

It is amazing,although can you make different view options.And I get bombarded with ads when I'm trying to download the addons

by Z####:

It is so good that you don't have to buy most of the planes like most games

by B####:

Do not say the app has no ads when it quite clearly does, it's poor practice.

by Z####:

SIM is okay but the latest update saying "No ads. It's now absolute free." is total bull. Mid flight I get interrupted with forced 5 second ads.

by Z####:

I was playing it and then the move ment control changed to device control instead of finger control

by Y####:

I wish the camera automaticly zoom a bit...after take off the plane really small cannot be seen..

by I####:

Its ok but the graphics are not try to upgrade the veiw and background​s and the controls work but they could need a bit upgrading

by Z####:

After the very first flight, what do you get? An ad for another flight sim! Some much for it to be " free from ads".

by Z####:

Loved it. Brilliant work for a free app. If you want some fun flying a fully authentic remote control airplane without the mess of a real one in pieces on the field, this is your app!

by Z####:

Something problem with controler... fix it please... I love this game

by U####:

I hope you guys can make Leo's flight sim as great as this

by S####:

An awesome RC simulator, especially for a phone app! Rivals the realism of PC-based systems like RealFlight and Phoenix. Kudos to the developers of this app...the degree of detail and realism is quite remarkable!

by Z####:

This is a great Sim but the only thing I ask for is more replicas for helicopters like the Huey hog or the chinook but all in all, a very great Sim.

by Z####:

The game is so awesome. You have so many planes and the're free. The physics are great and good graphics

by Y####:

Best rc plane app out there. Always come back to it when I need to polish up my skills

by N####:

All planes and sceneries are free, good graphics and interesting game. Must play.

by Z####:

It truly has great potential, I do like the game but, only one thing, controls really need some work...

by X####:

It was so bad you just flew into the floor

by Z####:

This is very accurate to real RC control. If you are interested in flying start here before you buy a real one.

by Z####:

Sticks are not very responsive

by J####:

I love this game and please update new free plane ilove it

by T####:

I downloaded this to practice flying my 6ft gas plane. I hope it is close to the real thing. So far I had one problem on a background the plane was set up to roll down the side of a hill and it just glitches and the plane tumbles and spins on the ground.

by V####:

As soon as i started playing there were already bugs and a ton of ads you really need to work on this way more

by W####:

I fly realflight and Phoenix sims, thought I'd give this a try. Don't like it.

by M####:

How about an F 18 or C 130.

by S####:

The only other thing i whant is a first pearson view

by B####:

Ad free good rc sim!

by O####:

The planes won't even take off

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