About Buku teka teki silang
Buku Teka-teki silang merupakan suatu permainan di mana kita harus mengisi ruang-ruang kosong (berbentuk kotak putih) dengan huruf-huruf yang membentuk sebuah kata berdasarkan petunjuk dan pertanyaan. Tersedia berbagai soal dari berbagai kategori, untuk mengasah seberapa luas wawasan anda.
Other Fitur :
- List Konten TTS ( Terbaru, Populer, Arsip )
- Kategori Soal TTS
- Mode Point dan Rangking ( Bagi Member )
- Terintegrasi dengan Facebook dan Google
- Bantuan Jawaban ( Huruf dan Kata )
- Update TTS secara berkala
Selamat mengasah otak Anda. :) Books Crosswords is a game where we have to fill the empty spaces (white box-shaped) with the letters that form a word based on clues and questions. There are a variety of questions from various categories, to hone how broad your horizons.
Other Features:
- List Content TTS (Recent, Popular, Archive)
- Category Problem TTS
- Point and Ranking Mode (For Member)
- Integrated with Facebook and Google
- Help Answers (letters and words)
- Update regularly TTS
Congratulations sharpen your brain. :)
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Buku teka teki silang version 2.0 on your
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Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
kuduscyber.com.bukutts, download Buku teka teki silang.apk
by X####:
Game is the best