About マーカスと謎の幽霊屋敷
- わくわく、ドキドキの特別な一週間をあなたに -
■about 1週間ゲーム
■ ひらめきキャンディー
※スマートフォンの実行用メモリがなくなった状態ですと、購入が反映されないことがあったようです。反映されなかった方は払い戻しをしますので、Google ID(Gmailアドレス)をサポートメールまでご連絡ください。 - Exciting, a special one week of pounding on you -
Our adventure began with a haunted house
Spooky and rumor - surrounding the mansion of outskirts
United Kingdom outskirts of town, the Castle Hill to the stage
One after another, winding happen strange incident in real time
Encryption to come hear from ghost story radio
Secret hidden in the Seven Wonders of the school
Mayor to be targeted
And, is the biggest crisis approaching that town?
Summer vacation last week
Marcus us, solve the mystery hidden in the haunted house,
Is it can protect the city?
■ about 1 week game
Linked the world in the real world and the game, proceed is happening in real time.
Player is to start from day one, to play actually 7 days.
About half a year from 1 week game became a huge hit vol.1 "escape from the human wolf Village".
2nd appeared this summer again with spectacular stories and esoteric mystery. 2nd theme, "adventure".
Castle Hill boy detective team led by Marcus to explore the haunted house from trivial.
So from what they saw? Marcus who is caught up in a big conspiracy that shakes the Castle Hill.
■ Note
· Spoilers, for the capture method, blog, Twitter, please do not posted on the Internet, such as facebook.
· Everyone is not as easy as can be clear. Please note on your purchase.
- I am afraid that I can not answer your questions about how to capture the game.
• This game should not be not Kona-sa challenges every day. Since the time we will flow in the same way as the reality, for example, when night 11 to start at, it is not only the remaining 1 hour. Please start the game with a margin.
■ Out of seven days adventure, you play the first of the first day for free.
■ inspiration candy
With candy and inspiration, Marcus will come up with tips.
First five, you get is one of candy each time you clear one day.
Candy inspiration is the possible purchase in-app billing when it is no longer enough.
※ When is ready to run for the memory of the smartphone is lost, it seems there was that the purchase is not reflected. Since the person who was not reflected to a refund, please contact our support email Google ID (Gmail address).