About 花札・こいこい
まず手札から1枚、次に山札を1枚めくり場に出します。 場に出した手札や山札と、場札の絵柄が揃うと、札を取ることができます。 取った札で相手よりも早く役を作れば、役に応じた点数をゲット! 役ができたあとも「こいこい」と宣言しゲームを継続、より高得点を狙うこともできます。 ただし、先に相手が役を作ってしまうと、「こいこい返し」で相手に高得点が与えられます。 「こいこい」をするか否か、この駆け引きが最大の魅力です! "Koikoi" is a game of scoring with the other party by creating a role.
One from your hand, I will put a lot turning one first and then the talon. And deck hand or you put in place, the pattern of the Tableau are met, you can take the bill. If you make the role earlier than your opponent in notes taken, get a score set in accordance with the relevant! You can also aim for high scores more continue, the game is declared "Koikoi" even after the role could be. However, the other party seem that creating a role previously, the high points are awarded to the other party in the "Koikoi ebb". And whether or not to "Koikoi", this bargaining is the biggest charm!