Shogi Wars for Android
Great way to get started with shogi.
Getting better and better. Good job. Please add byouyomi... That would be awesome.
I really want to play but this app doesn't start. Galaxy Note Edge
The English could do with some work plus it would be helpful if the Japan Shogi Association released an app to actually teach you how to play Shogi. I know how to play western chess and I have a very basic understanding of Shogi but in the game I'm just reacting to the moves the opponent makes rather than using any kind of technique.
It is a good way to play with a variety of players in different modes if they know how to play shogi.
Ik how to play chess but shogi has a few peices idk what they do i mean what about a piece basic moves and operations? Sure it can be fun throwing random pieces around just to see what happens but still need a basic set up this seems a bit more advanced then chess
I hate this english version.
less data read would be nice
Shogi is the best game ever and this app makes it even more fun. Would be even greater if there was one or two longer (20-30 min) game options. Anyway, thanks guys, you did a great job with this app. :)
For international player, pls provide a option for English pls
I really want to play but this app doesn't start. Galaxy Note Edge
Tanoshikatta n da you
smart TVなどのテレビに接続するAndroid端末では操作できませんでした。 テレビは横画面なのに縦に小さく表示されているのと合わせて修正していただけるとありがたいです。
I hope this app is added the Senpou and Kakoi in Renshuu taikyoku... it is for exercise for newbie like me.... this is just my request, you can add this,, or not... may this app quality will grown up.. ^_^ どうもありがとうございました!(^_^)
Great game!!
U can play Shohi three times a day FREE of CHARGE. And you chould get special points to enter someone's invitational ID(招待ID) when you sign up. My ID is swxe9wf. Anyway, please ENJOY playing Shogi life.
it is awsone
家に対戦してくれる相手がいないから暇さえあればしてます( ´艸`) けど皆さんのようにアバターの種類が豊富じゃないのが謎いです(・Д・´)
I hope this app is added the Senpou and Kakoi in Renshuu taikyoku... it is for exercise for newbie like me.... this is just my request, you can add this,, or not... may this app quality will grown up.. ^_^ どうもありがとうございました!(^_^)
smart TVなどのテレビに接続するAndroid端末では操作できませんでした。 テレビは横画面なのに縦に小さく表示されているのと合わせて修正していただけるとありがたいです。
Great game!!
U can play Shohi three times a day FREE of CHARGE. And you chould get special points to enter someone's invitational ID(招待ID) when you sign up. My ID is swxe9wf. Anyway, please ENJOY playing Shogi life.
it is awsone
面白い 対戦は、持ち時間3分と10分の2種類。ネット対戦なので飽きがきません。また、1日3回までは無料なので気軽に遊べます。招待idをいれるところでwii2vtrと入れると200p貰え、350p貯めると1カ月無料で遊べますよ。オススメです。
good it is awsone
最低 アカウントを抹消不可能なアプリ。「登録を強く勧めない」。
by T####:
Shogi is a really thrilling game ! thanks!