DQ10ルーレットカウンター for Android
Just continue to enter the past of history that have come to each table, continuous number of times per each point of the current, you can see such bias while counting the maximum number of consecutive times.
When you went into the treasure box ※, please devoted and 37 in number.
★ of the roulette wheel 2 minutes 1
In origin the roulette wheel from the treasure chest to two A and B, A is 32,15,19,4,21,2,25,17,34,6,27,13,36,11,30,8, see to it you have to calculate the data the 18 points of 23,10.
B is the number of the opposite side 5,24,16,33,1,20,14,31,9,22,18,29,7,28,12,35,3,26.
Right to the treasure box by dividing by A and B (A), to identify whether is contained in either the left (B).
It becomes loss and treasure boxes out because also A and B does not contain a treasure chest.
★★ Usage Notes ★★
· The betting to become large deficit Once in the treasure box and we have to subject. When there is no treasure chest in the past history is to be aware of.
App after startup, content title screen is out to press the Back button on the smartphone will be reset. Please use when changing the table.
★ In developing this app, there is put also blog who wrote such validation data and future change so please refer to the there, including the use.
I can be accessed from the following developers web site.
★ who has been downloaded the previous than the old version 3.2, sorry to trouble you, but you must uninstall the previous version, please use here. (If left of the previous version, it does not update the future)
Previous versions of the icon is light blue treasure chests.
If you are using a treasure box of brown is not a problem.
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