About 明星の華~太平記異聞~
○【鎌倉武士の誇りを貫く】北条 仲時(ほうじょう なかとき)
○【鎌倉を攻め落とした男】新田 義貞(にった よしさだ)
○【謎に満ちた天才軍略家】楠木 正成(くすのき まさしげ)
○【鎌倉幕府最後の執権】北条 守時(ほうじょうもりとき)
○【栄光と悲劇の皇子】 護良親王(もりよししんのう)
―私のそばにいてくれぬか?― This work to select the choice while enjoying the dress and the avatar scenario,
It is a love adventure app that arrive at various ending.
Operation can be simple, and can be downloaded free of charge anyone, and feel free to play.
※ I am charged a fee if you enjoy special scenario, the avatar part.
14th century when.
Yoritomo Minamoto built from the capital of samurai in Kamakura, month of more than 100 years had passed ....
Dissatisfaction of the people to accumulate over time, right now, the trend of the times is about to change ....
Lady living in the modern, time slip in this world beyond the space-time by the force of the Tengu! ?
The encounter of the fate that awaits for you to be targeted from the overthrow of the government school from the Shogunate side as the "princess of the star."
Or to both the fate and Kamakura shogunate as "Mizu-boshi", do you open up a new era as "妖霊 star".
○ [pierce the pride of Kamakura samurai] Nakaji Hojo (Hojo how customers can search inside this time)
- I will come back for sure. Under you -
Hope young Hojo clan. It has a pride in being Hojo clan, I hope sincerely prosperity of shogunate, survival.
It is often thought that it is so cool quiet talk too little, but, in fact, there is one side a hot blood. It also comes graces when a passionate love in the face.
○ [the man who Semeotoshi Kamakura] Nitta Yoshisada (Nitta Yoshisada)
- You do not absolutely bringing to encounter dangerous eye on you -
It is a family tradition that the flow of Genji, but the position of the shogunate in the low family status is low, raising an army and righteous indignation to severe tax collection from the shogunate. Family status or blood relationship, but it is complex, the roots are bright and positive, I have a sense of justice to protect the weak. The very shy person in the pure heart in the love side.
○ [genius tactics house full of mystery] Masashige Kusunoki (camphor Masanaru)
- I want to mine on you, even in force -
Driving force behind the Shinsei TateTakeshi. "Darui", "annoying" is it habit at the rising PITA, but, in fact, be good to work for. It is said the genius people in the know, there is a charisma. There is no right side and the wrong side, and de S wild in love side.
○ [regent of the Kamakura shogunate last Moritoki] Hojo (Hojo Moritoki)
- Let the affable you also ends this body -
Regent of the Kamakura shogunate bill 16th-last. Assertive little cool and collected, organizer of everyone.
She applies mild-mannered man with common sense, but will nin Disaster most like a different person when offend.
It also carnivorous system unexpectedly, to look into the one side a de S disingenuously in love side.
○ Moriyoshishin'no [prince of tragedy and glory (Moriyoshishin'no)
Third prince of Emperor Godaigo. It is also excellent as a military commander in a straight character in refining.
Pride is high temperament I like, it's always stout-hearted, but also show the weakness in the person you forgave care. Prince of a romantic in earnest in the love side.
- Do not to my side of me? -
by M####:
《YHhpgL》←招待コードを記入したら、双方が特典をもらえるのでどうぞお願いします♪ 絵がきれいなのが、いいですね!ストーリーは、歴史好きや、ファンタジー系に興味がある人にオススメです。