About Coloroco
This game consists of 5 different games related skills distinguishing colors.
The score is obtained as the percentage of success and the time spent for it.
If you can get to level 100 in all of them you have the ability to add your name
Hall of Glory if you are the 10 best in the world and all your friends to see.
To do this, once finished all get a code that you can send to the address jofeov@hotmail.com
along with your username and punctuation.
You'll find quite a few problems to get to that level, you be able?
- 5 different games in one.
- Ability to save up to 10 different items.
- 7 languages: Spanish, English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Russian.
- Simple, intuitive operation.
- Entertainment secured for hours.
For inquiries contact or improvement in the mail that appears in the application.