Crack the code for Android
The first line of the play area receives the hidden randomly calculated combination.
The ten lines following the line where is the hidden combination are lines where you make your proposals.
There are three levels of difficulty.
The easy level offers a combination of four different pairs without duplication of shape and color.
The medium level offers a combination of four different pairs without duplicates on forms, but with possible duplicates on colors.
The hard level offers a combination of four pairs with possible duplicates both the shapes on the colors.
8- As soon as the difficulty level has been chosen, the calculation of the random combination will be made and materialized in the first line.
Once you have completed all the boxes in the active line, the validation button of the proposal becomes visible.
When you click the validation button of your proposal, the program responds with a code of colored pearls.
A black pearl means that in the proposal, a pair composed of the right shape and the right color is in the right place in the combination to find.
A white pearl means the existence in the proposal, a pair composed of the right shape and the right color, but it is not located in the right place in the combination to find.
A blue pearl means that a color or shape of the proposal is in the right place in the combination to find.
The game is won if you find the combination in one of your ten attempts.