About Jungle Bohambo
Jungle Bohambo is back, sitting in a treetop throwing down things. Heads and stuff, mainly heads.
Tip and tap and make them dissappear from the screen. Earn Your three stars in every ten level.
It's possible, hard but possible.
Heads spin and bounce and jump off the screen if You're not fast enough, and fast means really fast.
Be the first to get all three stars from level ten and get to name level 11!
Post us @ a screenshot of the finished level ten with all three stars and we'll make a new level
and name it anyway (within good taste) You want. As an extra bonus we'll even throw a something drawn the way You want!
Good luck with Jungle Bohambo, You'll need it.
Download and install
Jungle Bohambo version 2.0 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package:
fi.saunalahti.routila.pontus.JungleBohambo_Android, download Jungle Bohambo.apk