Nicho - Alien Terror

Nicho - Alien Terror Free Game

Rated 4.04/5 (638) —  Free Android application by B-SIDE

About Nicho - Alien Terror

Steven es vigilante de un nuevo yacimiento en Roswell nuevo México, en uno de sus paseos rutinarios escucha unos ruidos provenientes de una extraña abertura.
Una vez dentro de la catacumbas se derrumba la entrada estrepitosamente. Descubre que se encuentra atrapado en un “NICHO” lleno de alienígenas y su única misión es escapar.

★★★★★ Juego gráficos en 3D, escapa de los enemigo.
★★★★★ Terror alíen en estado puro.
★★★★★ 12 niveles totalmente gratuitos sin compras.
★★★★★ Utiliza tus kit de supervivencia para comprar mejoras en tu linterna y bengalas extras.
★★★★★ Nicho laberínticos escenarios, afronta el reto de escapar. Steven is the caretaker of a new site in Roswell New Mexico, in one of his routine walks he hears a strange noise from opening.
Once inside the catacombs entrance collapses miserably. He finds that he is trapped in a "NICHE" full of aliens and their only mission is to escape.

★★★★★ Game 3D graphics, escapes from the enemy.
Terror ★★★★★ pure alien.
★★★★★ 12 fully free levels without shopping.
★★★★★ Use your survival kit to buy upgrades for your flashlight and extra flares.
Niche ★★★★★ labyrinthine scenarios faces the challenge of escape.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Nicho - Alien Terror version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: es.brainside.nicho, download Nicho - Alien Terror.apk

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Game History & Updates

What's Changed
Arreglo fase 2
More downloads  Nicho - Alien Terror reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
More downloads  Nicho - Alien Terror reached 5 000 - 10 000 downloads
Version update Nicho - Alien Terror was updated to version 1.0
More downloads  Nicho - Alien Terror reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads

What are users saying about Nicho - Alien Terror

by H####:

Very scary

by J####:

Downloaded was ok but after I deleted it, it was like it left me a parting gift cause I had even less memory on my phone after downloading it than before. Did I just get a virus or something from downloading this app?

by C####:

Loved it!

by S####:

Its so inter taining

by S####:

Ads ruin games the amount of ads is just crazy

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638 users