Cateplay for Android
La versión gratuita se limita a 1 de los 3 niveles que ofrece la versión premium, e incluye el acceso online a 5 de los 64 elementos multimedia, con personajes, voz y actividades que sirven para aprender mientras se juega. La versión premium ofrece acceso a todos los elementos. Si el usuario lo desea, cada tema se puede descargar en el dispositivo, por si después no dispone de conexión wifi. Se sugiere seguir un ritmo de un tema semanal. Es muy conveniente que los padres jueguen con el niño para ayudarle a asimilar el contenido y a crecer en su vida cristiana.
Multimedia game for catechesis of Christian initiation for children aged 6-10 years. Is based on the Catechism Jesus is Lord of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, which has made a multimedia version that can be accessed from the app. This is a board game with fun activities for the family and for catechesis in the parish; It comes in three levels according to the relevant themes of the Catechism to which it refers.The free version is limited to 1 of the 3 levels offering the premium version, and includes online access to 5 of the 64 multimedia elements, characters, voice and activities that serve to learn while playing. The premium version provides access to all items. If the user wishes, each topic can be downloaded from the device, then not have Wi-Fi. It is suggested to follow a pace of a weekly theme. It is very convenient for parents to play with the child to help you understand the content and grow in their Christian life.