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Hangman Free Spanish Words
Like trying to win Hangman
In the Spanish language, the twelve letters that appear most frequently are, in descending order: eaosrnidlctu. This and other font lists often are used by the player to increase the odds guesser when it is your turn to guess. Moreover, the same lists can be used by pioneer puzzle to stump your opponent by choosing a word that deliberately avoids common letters (eg, pace or zephyr) or one containing rare letters (eg, jazz).
Another common strategy is to guess the vowels first, as the only Spanish has six vowels (a, e, i, o, uey), and almost every word has at least one.
Hangman Free Spanish Words
Get the maximum punctuation in Hangman
For each correct letter 1 point.
For each correct word 5 points.
But beware !!! Each time you use the track, you will lose 3 points.
What will be your limit? Your record? How many words in Spanish you know?