About 2048 Colors@
in 2048colors@ you get white color, mixing the three basic colors
the color of each box is obtained by mixing the three basic colors Red, Yellow, Blue
the value of each color varies between 2^0 2^8 (between 0 and 256)
when two or more boxes have one or more identical color components these are added together, the different components are ignored remaining only that of the arrival box
when the three color components are equivalent to 256 all three produces white and victory
you can go back one move
you can play with the easy option, seeing the value of the color components, or only with the colors
No publicity
in 2048colors@ devi ottenere il colore bianco, mescolando i tre colori base
il colore di ogni casella è ottenuto dalla miscela dei tre colori base Rosso, Giallo, Blu
il valore di ogni colore varia tra 2^0 e 2^8 (tra 0 e 256)
quando due o più caselle hanno una o più componenti cromatiche uguali queste si sommano, le componenti diverse vengono ignorate rimanendo solo quella della casella di arrivo
quando le tre componenti cromatiche equivalgono tutte e tre a 256 si ottiene il bianco e la vittoria
puoi tornare indietro di una sola mossa
puoi giocare con l'opzione facile, vedendo il valore delle componenti cromatiche o, solo con i colori
No publicità in 2048colors @ you get white color, mixing the three basic colors
the color of each box is Obtained by mixing the three basic colors Red, Yellow, Blue
the value of each color varies between 2 ^ 2 ^ 0 8 (between 0 and 256)
When Two or will more boxes have one or will more identical color components These are added together, the different components are ignored That only remaining of the arrival box
When the three color components are equivalent to 256 all three Produces white and victory
you can go back one move
you can play with the easy option, seeing the value of the color components, or only with the colors
No publicity
in 2048colors @ you get white color, mixing the three basic colors
the color of each box is obtained by mixing the three basic colors Red, Yellow, Blue
the value of each color varies between 0 and 2 ^ 2 ^ 8 (between 0 and 256)
when two or more boxes have one or more identical color components these are added together, the different components are ignored remaining only that of the arrival box
when the three color components are equivalent to 256 all three produces white and victory
you can go back one move
you can play with the easy option, seeing the value of the color components, or only with the colors
No publicity