About King Queen
This is a Multi-Player game which consists of 5 players(max). Player who wants to host the game switch on the hotspot and then click 'Host' Button. Rest of the Players connect to the Host's wifi Network and then click 'Join' Button. After all the players join into the same network,Game will start... King has to reveal himself among other players and he tries to finds his queen if he correctly found he will remain as King . In Case of any wrong guess, wrongly guessed person becomes King and then he will proceed. Game flow will be like this : King -> Queen -> Warrior -> Prince -> Thief.. Finally, Prince kills the Thief and saves the Kingdom.....!
Download and install
King Queen version 1.0 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
cutehub.game.naveenkumar.kingqueen, download King Queen.apk
by K####:
The explanation for the game was not quite understandable and network connection nessesary has to be mentioned